You are fully licensed and bonded by the city, aren't you?
Your replicator is probably too small to replicate larger components, which would be a major inconvenience at best or a showstopper at worst. And industrial replicators are even harder to come by than starships.
Then there's getting access to the replicator patterns for sensitive or dangerous components. Dilithium chambers, weapons, Mercassium composite for shield generators, etc. are classified by Starfleet.
Then there are substances that can't be replicated, such as verterium cortenide for the warp coils. I don't think it's explicitly stated that VC can't be replicated, but we know that Voyager had to find some to refit their warp coils, they couldn't just replicate it. Also dilithium.
And finally, there's antimatter. Building a starship won't do you much good if you don't have gas for the tank. Antimatter does not occur in large quantities in nature, and probably can't be replicated (or at least not safely.) So you'd need some sort of industrial base to produce it, further complicating your plans.
I yearn for the simpler days when the worst thing a Republican president might do is tamper with Medicare.
My intent was to point out how ridiculous the "103% increase" line is, not to suggest the comparison was valid in the first place.
In other words, it jumped from about 0.5% to 1.5%.
Looks like compatibility hacks for various websites.
Interventions - are deeper modifications to make sites compatible. Firefox may modify certain code used on these sites to enforce compatibility. Each compatibility modification links to the bug on Bugzilla@Mozilla; click on the link to look up information about the underlying issue.
User Agent Override - change the user agent of Firefox when connections to certain sites are made.
Is the bullet OK?
May she die of an embarrassing and uncomfortable medical condition exactly 5 minutes before being released.
trekkies in their 40s for some reason. Pc technical, can use a pc well enough to understand above the basic concepts of the best buy laptop the general public use.
I feel attacked, yet also acknowledged.
If social media companies exist to collect massive troves of personal info from users--and they do--then there is a valid national security concern over social media controlled by an adversary. This is distinct from the individual privacy concerns towards domestically-controlled social media.
Oh, here you go. I believe that's all in order.
Urge to kill falling... falling... RISING! ...falling... gone.
How is babby formed?
No it's not. There's no bail, for example, and no plea bargaining in civil cases; jail time isn't on the table, the district attorney isn't involved, the standard of evidence is lower, and the rules of procedure are different.
First comes the discovery phase where both sides exchange evidence and the court settles any evidentiary questions. This phase can frequently take longer than the trial itself.
This is a civil case.
My headcanon is that the ban on genetic engineering is mostly an Earth law, rather than a Federation law. Which makes sense if the reason for the law is Earth's experience with augments, as Phlox points out that other species have used it without the same dire consequences. This jives with the fact that only humans living on Earth are ever depicted as being bound by the law. It's not a perfect theory, but it does explain why Bashir's father was imprisoned but the Darwin station researchers were not.
I took the ASVAB way back in the 90's. IIRC it was mandatory then too.