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David Benfell, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
David Benfell, Ph.D. (he/him/his) @ benfell
1 yr. ago

  • @StillPaisleyCat @hopesdead Yeah, I’m wondering if there’s a deal in the works that I, at least, hadn’t heard about.

    Paramount has been too much in the news for the wrong reasons.

  • @DharmaCurious

    It wouldn't surprise me, but I don't know off hand whether The Expanse was based on a book series.

  • @DharmaCurious @SkyezOpen

    It's an interesting show, but make sure you've got good sound: I found the accents difficult to parse without it. The series was abruptly terminated, so don't expect a neat ending.

  • @DharmaCurious @SkyezOpen

    It's an interesting show, but make sure you've got good sound: I found the accents difficult to parse without it. The series was abruptly terminated, so don't expect a neat ending.

  • @ValueSubtracted

    I liked #DS9. It wasn't just one big happy Starfleet crew. The interplay was infinitely more interesting for it.

    By contrast, I hated #Voyager because even though there should have been tension between the combined Starfleet and Maquis crews, they ruthlessly and relentlessly suppressed even the slightest appearance of it. Also, I didn't think much of Kathryn Janeway's philosophy.

    But for these very reasons, most fans seemed to love Voyager and hate DS9.

  • @yildo @MamboGator

    Not just humor, but a particularly cynical humor. And yes, I think you have a point: To laugh, you need to be able to laugh at hubris and incompetence.

    I turn to #StarTrek because I have encountered these attributes all too often in a real life that much more resembles the hell that Guinan described to Jean-Luc Picard when the crew traveled back in time to keep one of his ancestors on track to launch on a space exploration than not. It just isn't funny to me because I have suffered these attributes my entire life and what #LowerDecks captures is but the palest, most faintly visible shadow of it.

    I turn to #StarTrek because I'm desperate for something better.