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2 yr. ago

  • I'm not saying Zelenskyy is an angel, but the constitution literally forbids elections during war. Pick a better reason to criticize the government, there are plenty real ones.

  • Half my family is Ukrainians. From Odessa, which is famous for being full of Jews. I lived in Ukraine for 5 years right before the invasion. Literally not a single Nazi in sight or any rhetoric. Wtf are you on about? If somebody convinced you of whatever you said, you've been duped.

  • "Neutral jing".

  • WYSIWYG stands for "what you see is what you get". Basically, it was a plain rich-text editor, with buttons for bold, italics and so on.

  • Took first semester Java test a month ago. Had to use a built-in WYSIWYG editor within the test webpage.

  • Saying that the government is "actively recruiting" them is also disingenuous, because it makes it sound like Nazis were specifically desired and chosen, as opposed to some recruits just turned out to be vaguely Nazis. Battalions of vaguely Nazi dudes exist in Russia, yet nobody is trying to denazify Russians.

    And if you mean that the initial not so negative reaction of Ukrainians, hopeful that the Germans would free them from Russian oppression makes them Nazis, then, again, you're being disingenuous. In the end Ukrainians had the most casualties fighting the war against Nazis. Nobody is currently calling Finns Nazis, even though they didn't oppose them for similar reasons (getting back at Russia for oppression).

  • It is also disingenuous to label Ukrainians as Nazis, just because a couple of them are. Just like there are in every other country, be it Russia or USA.

  • Why green tag? Green usually implies something good. I marked them with red.

  • You literally called Ukrainians Nazis a couple hours ago.

  • I wonder if tourists visiting Greece get calculus PTSD from all the signs.

  • I was confused about the amount of upvotes, until I saw this was on .ml

  • Safe

  • The Doctor, with his mobile emitter, disagrees.

  • Yeah, it's correct. What they did is, for every year they place a dot with respect to x and y axis, then connected the dots. An unusual graph, but works well for this situation, IMO.

  • Safe

  • LaForge is occasionally kinda creepy...

  • That's weird, your message says .world has 273 subscribers, but if I open the sidebar it says 0.

  • egg💉irl

  • Damn, bro even developed a cameltoe.

  • It's likely that only eastern Europeans will know the reference to the cartoon character, but I laughed so hard at this. (This was on the side of a truck)

  • I just realized that I had forgotten about polandball and now I miss it.

  • Rule
