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yikes rule
  • Hence why I chose him as the example.

  • yikes rule

    Points of Origin was a book written by John Leonard Orr, an arson investigator who, between 1984 and 1991, repeatedly set fire to several shops and woodlands. He was later caught because he wrote a novel wherein a fictionalized version of himself described how he did it, including a part where he set fire to a hardware store in which four people, including a two year old died, describing how he died in lurid detail, right down to the fact the child liked Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, saying that "it was their fault they didn't get out in time, they were too stupid".

    He was suspected of being, almost proven to be the serial arsonist, but he couldn't be brought in because they needed to catch him in the act. His superiors were informed he was a suspect, and one of said superiors called the police when Orr showed him a publisher's letter for this book which basically admitted he did it and how he did it.

  • dudes will say there are only 2 genders and then post this
  • The fact that so much bullshit started out as a fucking meme on /b/ is proof there is no God and we have failed as a species.

  • dudes will say there are only 2 genders and then post this
  • Wanna know the funniest part? All this bullshit is based on a disproven theory about wolves, but then 4chan adopted as a kinda meme and then these fuckers took it seriously. Absolute fucking clown shit.

    In my experience the people who describe people as "Alphas and Betas" are almost always described as "betas" by their own language.

  • the futrule if it didn't suck
  • I love Solarpunk but I don't know why they like cablecars/dangleways so much. Like there are places that use them as public transport (Medellín) but unless the landscape the city is in is very mountainous then they're not really useful as a form of transportation.

  • Looking for FOSS Games
  • Open transport Tycoon deluxe. Been going for years and it's still great.

  • yikes rule
  • Oh my God she said this on BBC Radio 4, which is basically the main, national Radio station in the UK. To put this in context, this is like if Orson Scott Card said he agreed with the Main Character in Points of Origin.

  • yikes rule
  • Ok so we can add pedophile sympathiser to transphobe, racist and anti Semite.

  • Alright, you've had enough fun today buddy.
  • Wasn't that a plot point in an episode of The Simpsons?

  • Obelisk, the royal murder horse
  • I see Margaret Thatcher has been reincarnated as a horse.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • You've not fought against it very well, have you?

    • You have school "voucher" schemes for religious schools, which do shit like teach kids that Evolution is wrong because of the bible.
    • You added "In God we Trust" do your money and added "Under God" to the pledge of allegiance in the 1950s (The pledge, with or without it, is in itself a form of state worship).
    • You have had presidents (Reagan, Bush II) openly promote the idea that America is a Christian state through historical falsehoods.
    • One of the most powerful factions in your government are American Evangelicals who have used their power to promote religious based laws, especially against women and minorities.
    • Every President in recent times has had to show themselves to be openly Christian, with "not being christian (enough)" being a common attack strategy.

    And that's just Christianity, if I was going to go into how you worship the state...

    • You have Four Faces of Presidents carved on a literal sacred mountain.
    • You make your kids pledge allegiance to the state every morning (I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands).
    • You have two (2) congress funded art pieces that depict George Washington as a God (Washington Enthroned and The Apotheosis of Washington), the latter of which is in the oculus of the Rotunda at Congress for everyone to see.
    • The Lincoln Memorial is straight up designed like a Greco-Roman Temple.
    • You have, as a social norm, displaying your flag outside your house.

    How is that not going to be interpreted as "religious"?

    Now, I know someone is going to be all "lol aren't you from the uk where you worship the royal family" well guess fucking what:

    1. Barely anyone in the UK worships the royals, especially where I'm from (Scotland) and the people who do even in England are considered weird. Our relationship with the Royals as a country is usually one of aggressive irreverence. My family's nicknames for the king includes "The Jug Eared Dwarf", "Chuckie III" and "Tearlach an Chluas".
    2. Despite having two (2) established churches (Church of England and Church of Scotland), non religious people make up the majority and the UK is aggressively secular.
    3. Despite the established religion and having the (in practice) head of state also be the (in practice) head of the Church, none of our politicians try and use religion to justify their bullshit and those who do are considered wankers.

    America, in the eyes of most of the world, is aggressively religious, not just in terms of christianity but also in worship of the state.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • Teachers can make this backfire by teaching kids about how Jesus said, among other things:

    • Rich people don't go to heaven
    • Jesus's answer to religious people not wanting to see things was for the people complaining to pluck out their eyes.
    • How Jesus told his followers to sell their shit and give it to the poor.

    All things republicans hate because it goes against their ideals. Also they can talk about how in Acts it says Christians lived communally or just read James 5:1-6 verbatim.

    But I guarantee the schools will force their teachers only to read parts of the bible that the state demand, because it's not about Christianity, it's about using religion to control people.

  • Dio Brule
  • That is true

  • rule
  • Curious what sins mice do.

  • rule
  • OK so I have questions about this cartoon. I get Hulk, Mr Incredible and Goku, but why Mighty Mouse?

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • yeah but your family seems to make your problems our problems so we wanna know just how fucked we are.

  • This is what we used to worry about in the 80s. This and global thermonuclear war.
  • Listen, if I had a kid who turned punk I'd be glad because as subcultures go punk is pretty based.

  • Rate of Young Women Getting Sterilized Doubled After ‘Roe’ Was Overturned
  • Oh they understand people fuck, and the people who want to ban abortion and contraception want people to have kids they didn't want for various reasons.

  • Microsoft Rule

    Trans children could be 'forced to detransition' under leaked NHS England plans Trans children could be 'forced to detransition' under leaked NHS England plans

    Leaked NHS England plans suggest trans children may be left with no choice other than to medically detransition or face safeguarding referrals

    Trans children could be 'forced to detransition' under leaked NHS England plans
    abbiistabbii abbiistabbii

    A transferee from Reddit. Also the person who does those imgur meme dumps.

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