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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
8 mo. ago

  • I find this take fascinating because, although I also like watching athletes and sports, I see the fandom and names as a huge soap opera cast. I just can't keep up with any of it, the names, the injuries, the rivalries, the trades. It's all just a bunch of banal meaningless drama to me that I will never have the enthusiasm to track. It's all the same old shit from season to season with a rotating cast of hot young fools, just like General Hospital. As such I can't talk sports with people. I can watch, but the events wash over me without the same meaning or substance. For that reason, flamboyant and over-the-top drama (like hot tempers, trash talking, and general mischief) that happens during play is actually interesting as long as it isn't too unsportsman-like and doesn't interfere with the game too much. The soap opera drama is boring, the sports is interesting, but the performance and affectations are spicy.

    To be clear, your take is totally valid and I'm not really critical of it at all. I just have a different perspective.

  • Next time you tape over it, try this. Cut an old credit card, hotel key card, or something similar to just larger than the switch's recess. Tape only the top edge to the machine so that the stiff plastic or cardboard covers the switch, but can be lifted up and out of the way when you need to access it. I've used a similar trick to protect light switches I wanted to occasionally use, but not accidentally flip along with the other switches in the next gang over.

  • It's an American magazine, written in American English for an American audience about American racism. You're the one assuming that every article needs to be written for a globalized audience. How would that even be possible for a complicated, nuanced, and hyper-localizef social disorder like racism?

  • BitTorrent wasn't even launched until AFTER Napster was shutdown.

    The mention of Napster would have put the original download this tweet refers to as happening sometime before July 2001. But, it's entirely possible they were using Napster as a generic term for any number of the other protocols around in 2002, most of which didn't have the ability to resume. BitTorrent would have been the anomaly here for its resumabilty, but was rarely used for music privacy at the time. PirateBay and Demonoid launching later in 2003.

  • Glad I'm not the only one that noticed the odd bench. But I have another theory. It looks like a rotating device of some kind for the seat so that if the bench is wet from rain or covered in snow, one can rotate it to a dry side for a dry seat. I doubt the homeless, even the poor or lower classes, would have been allowed anywhere near such a garden as this anyway unless they were serving someone.

  • World's apart is a bit of a stretch when there are plenty of examples that are both popular and push the boundaries. In hindsight, EVERYTHING becomes banal. I challenge you to just try to speak modern English without quoting or referencing Shakespeare.

    Also, the observation that the populous likes popular lowest common denominator kitsch isn't exactly a unique or stunningly innovative insight. It's ironically as banal and boringly repetitive as the genre you're gatekeeping.

  • "Ok Boomer."

    But seriously though. After the proliferation of the printing press, I'm willing to bet, someone made the exact same joke about printed books. And I know that the Boomers' parents made the same joke about television, and their grandparents made the same joke about radio. And this isn't even really a Boomer joke, it's a Gen-X joke. I know because my boomer parents actually made this joke about Gameboys and walk-mans before the Internet (or at least convenient portable Internet) was even really a ubiquitous thing. It's just that Boomers are living longer and are so damn vocal and numerous that they are STILL making this joke, updated for the modern generation.

    What technology will gen-Y and gen-alpha lament about in stale memes?

  • Every movie is a muppet movie waiting to happen.

    "No Country for Old Men", with the killer played by Sam the blue eagle.

    "Brokeback Mountain", with Kermit and Foxzie Bear playing the leads, no human roles.

    Rowlf as the unexpected lead in "Lawrence of Arabia", "Fistful of Dollars", and "Fistful of Dollars". In Lawrence of Arabia, only the other British soldiers are played by humans. In the Spaghetti Westerns, the only humans are the women.

    "Smokey and the Bandit", with Kermit as the Bandit, Rowlf as the trucker, the bride played by a real person, Miss Piggie as Smokey, and Fozzi Bear as the groom/deputy.

    "The Blues Brothers", starring Kermit and Fozzi as Elwood and Jake. All the other characters are Muppets, but the bands are played by real blues musicians.

    "Brazil": Kermit as Sam Lowry, Robert Dinero reprising his role as "human" Tuttle, Miss Piggy as Sam's mother, and Jill Layton played by the only other human.

  • God what a naive and toxic attitude. This peak toxic troll thinking that has absolutely no place in any useful discourse. With all sincerity, you should really seek help. I really do pity you. This isn't flattery. I'm not angry. I'm not celebrating you. I don't care to hurt you. You're just a sad fool and I hope you find a way to be better.

  • Great apes are closely related to humans BECAUSE humans are great apes. That idea is offensive to many religious zealots, so it's not a fact often brought up in any conversation unless specifically prompted. This isn't a logical fallacy you've uncovered, just a cultural bias and stigma. Of course a language model will also avoid the topic unless specifically prompted because it's trained on people and articles that ALL do the very same philosophical dance and mental gymnastics to avoid inciting the ignorant zealots.

  • You might eventually and with some great expense (even if you have a public defender, jail isn't cheap for poor people), but you won't beat the ride. They can and will destroy your life and livelihood with a trumped up charge for little more than knowing your rights. It doesn't matter if the charge sticks, the injustice has been done and freedom has been trampled.