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Man who posted deliberately offensive thing on social media can’t understand why people are offended
  • It really is. It's the same victim bullying logic you get with cyber-bullying. Simply not looking at it doesn't change the fact that it is there in the first place.

  • Context
  • So HR left us with just two choices, assured us they were the best of the best, and of course it's two geriatrics.

    ... one of whom is a rehire that tried to lynch us when we laid him off the first time. Good job HR, you wonder why people hate you.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • Not that I would ever suggest it, but I bet the moment a president even attempted to abuse this official power against these six conservative traitors to democracy, they'd desperately try to walk this decision back - they only care for the potential of abuse when it negatively affects them

  • Sovcit did a thing.
  • Sovcit yet again misunderstands basic economics.

    A vast oversimplification, but currencies hold value because of a combination of being backed up by material assets, and widespread trust in the backer of those assets.

    If your currency is neither backed by something of value, nor trusted by literally anybody, then your currency holds no value - end of story.

    If anybody could just write note on a random piece of paper that said it was worth $10 million and cash it at the bank, don't they think somebody high-profile would've done just that by now?

  • Work from home
  • Fair enough. Subordinate is the term I've always heard used. Direct reports just sounds like the sugar coated version to me.

  • Work from home
  • It really saddens to me see how many managers out there treat their subordinates terribly, and then act surprised when their subordinates do the same - as though employees are meant to greatful for their terrible treatment

  • ChatGPT would have been so much useful and trustworthy if it is able to accept that it doesn't know an answer.
  • I'd love to agree with you - but when people say that LLMs are stochastic parrots, this is what they mean...

    LLMs don't actually know what the words they're saying mean, they just know what words are most likely to be next to each other based on training data.

    Because they don't know the meaning of what they're saying, they also don't know the factuality of what they're saying - as such they simply can't self-fact check.

  • Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models
  • Rules for thee, but not for me - just as always

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • Win11 becomes a less and less appealing switch day by day... When I can no longer hold into Win10, I think I'll just have to jump ship to Linux.

    Win10 is already quite privacy poor, but Win11 is straight up intolerable.

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • Well I suppose the answer I'd give is that because of how right-wing the US is compared to much of the Western world, it becomes a patient zero for whatever the far-right is cooking up - which inevitably influences far-right groups in other Western countries

  • 1 ep per week goes brrrrrrrrrr!
  • 20 episodes in a single day is a slog, even for a show you like.

    Unless you're watching a dub, you can't just listen, you have to be watching the whole time otherwise you miss the sub and have to go back - so you have to be giving your full concentration.

    Personally I find it quite hard to my full concentration for more than a couple of hours - nevermind the 7 hours it would take to pull this off.

  • I just cited myself.
  • Again, if you started writing 0.999... on a piece of paper, it would never suddenly become 1, it would always be 0.999... - you know that to be true without even trying it.

    The difference is virtually nonexistent, and that is what makes them mathematically equal, but there is a difference, otherwise there wouldn't be an infinitely long string of 9s between the two.

  • I just cited myself.
  • Any real world implementation of maths (such as the length of an object) would definitely be constricted to real world parameters, and the lowest length you can go to is the Planck length.

    But that point wasn't just to talk about a plank of wood, it was to show how little difference the infinite 9s in 0.999... make.

  • I just cited myself.
  • It is mathematically equal to one, but it isn't physically one. If you wrote out 0.999... out to infinity, it'd never just suddenly round up to 1.

    But the point I was trying to make is that I agree with the interpretation of the meme in that the above distinction literally doesn't matter - you could use either in a calculation and the answer wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) change.

    That's pretty much the point I was trying to make in proving how little the difference makes in reality - that the universe wouldn't let you explore the infinity between the two, so at some point you would have to round to 1m, or go to a number 1x planck length below 1m.

  • I just cited myself.
  • 0.999... / 3 = 0.333... 1 / 3 = 0.333... Ergo 1 = 0.999...

    (Or see algebraic proof by

    If the difference between two numbers is so infinitesimally small they are in essence mathematically equal, then I see no reason to not address then as such.

    If you tried to make a plank of wood 0.999...m long (and had the tools to do so), you'd soon find out the universe won't let you arbitrarily go on to infinity. You'd find that when you got to the planck length, you'd have to either round up the previous digit, resolving to 1, or stop at the last 9.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • I agree on them being safe - when rules are properly adhered to, they're extremely safe, similarly to air travel. People only suspect their safety because when they do fail, they tend to fail spectacularly, again similar to air travel.

    Having said that, they may be efficient to operate, but they are by no means efficient to build. They cost a lot of resources, and have a 10 year lead time - plus you need to worry about the cost of waste storage and decommissioning.

    So sure, nuclear is better than fossil fuels, but you're just kicking the nonrenewable can down the road.

    That time and resources would be far better spent on renewables, because that where humanity is gonna have to go long-term no matter how well any other alternatives work.

  • Pride wins!
  • With how much time these "macho" conservatives spend thinking about gay people, even when marrying their own wives, it sure does seem like they're hiding something

  • Meta admits using pirated books to train AI, but won't pay for it
  • The Internet Archive is currently fighting in the courts to maintain free digital library access to over 500,000 books they own from their own collection, yet Meta uses a pirated dataset of nearly 200,000 books to train their proprietary AI and is just allowed to get away with that??

    Publishers will go after a charity making fair use of their content, but not the corporation outright stealing from them. What utter bollocks.

  • ‘Balanced’ journalist pushes politician’s lie to prove they don’t have a ‘pro-fact’ bias
  • Just 'how' many 'quotation' 'marks' do you 'need' to get 'your' 'satire' across.

    I get that you can't exactly just throw a /s at the end of your headline, but this has the same energy as a political comic with nouns written on literally everything.

  • New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • Considering the German government will do basically anything to get away from even the slightest hint of antisemitism, I can see exactly why they're doing this.

    But it's comical for Germany to be bending over backwards to avoid repeating it's genocidal past whilst turning a complete blind eye to an actual ongoing genocide.

  • Th4tGuyII Th4tGuyII

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