Stormygeddon @ Stormygeddon Posts 7Comments 154Joined 2 yr. ago
Blood is a good replacement for eggs in recipe. Use like 4 tablespoons per egg you'd have used in your recipe.
Here I was thinking about how Madagascar must be smaller than I thought if it's the same size as Ukraine. It looks so big on a map, like a quarter Australia.
I also thought Switzerland being the same size as Bhutan to be rather interesting, as they both have famous mountain ranges and tend to be a neutral while sandwiched between bigger powers.
Toxic perchlorates from Martian regolith add a certain Je ne sais quois to the smell of Asphalt, Tire particulates, and ozone.
If the Player Character for Boromir drew up a new character to join the party (Gollum), who was Tasha Yar's Gollum?
Heck, is James McAvoy still available?
How come there are 7 Kirks, 5 Spocks, 3 Uhuras, multiple McCoys, Rikers, Worfs, Geordis, Mariners, Boimlers, Scotties, but only one Chekov or Miles?
I thought here Emperor Georgiou with golden armour and red gem decorated sword was weirdly reminiscent of 40k, but c'mon that's practically Alpha Legion there with the hydra tattoo and cybernetics.
I didn't realize they destroyed the actual original set for the crash on Veridian III.
It's unfortunate how unfair aging can be between individuals.
Don't social media prevent 13 year olds and under from signing up anyway? They ask for your age but it doesn't seem to keep kids from lying about their age and going on facebook, instagram, twitter, TikTok, etc, regardless. That's disregarding the idea that a child could just use their parent's account. What's the enforcement besides the honor system and a vague threat of being sued? I am failing to see a difference between the state of things now and what that bill wants to introduce.
No worries, many of the students knew Romulan anyway on account of being spies.
Never ask a Hobbit what they got in their pocketses. Bad time will be had by all.
Dang it, and they just released an episode of Goblin Slayer Abridged too.
I've been catching myself calling it the activation rune instead of the power button.
I was going to mention "you could've also said 'first Star Trek since Enterprise to end'" but then I realized I forgot about Picard.
I was going to ask "But what about Prodigy" but that hasn't actually aired its second season yet.
So yeah, first Star Trek show since The Animated Series to end without having Two Takes Frakes, even though I feel that having him on the director's chair should count.
- Guitar strings or rolling green stuff against a plastic comb are great means to make all those extraneous external wires typical to 40k.
- Multple passes with letting it bathe simple green then washing afterward sounds a bit atypical but not unusual. Very often I don't strip at all and just paint over it.
- Dark Angels.
I like how you only finish Enterprise in between so many later season episodes of Voyager and Deep Space Nine.