has an opentalk instance included with their services. Also as far as I have seen.
Siehe comments und Artikel unten. Upvote auf illegalen/TOS violating Content wird abgemahnt.
I just crossposted from an admin.
I used it several years ago for scientific writing. It was good back then and it is good now.
The problem is the adoption in companies/institutions that fear to miss out on something if they don’t use Office. Sadly Office files are still the business/office standard (until businesses step up and encourage people to use open document formats).
Es gab auf mastodon mal einen Bot, der Petitionen die kurz vor knapp waren geteilt hat. Leider ist der inaktiv.
Crosspost in ! ?
Hi, I don't think so. In my opinion a brief and swift introduction is better than a wall of text and after all this should be a Sammelbecken (reservoir) for many people.
Absolut okay und sinnvoll.
Die bekommt leider keine Aufmerksamkeit oder Fahrt 🥲
Die ganzen Solar-/Energiespeicher-/EE-Petitionen gehen wiederum durch die Decke, weil da die eigene Geldbörse betroffen ist 🧐.
Wenn der gelikte Content grenzwertig an die terms of service kratzt. Bisher aber nichts illegales.
Es kam dann angeblich eine Mail rein, dass man auffällig war.
Reddit bewertet nun den Inhalt den man upvoted. Einige wurden für die Inhalte ermahnt, vermutlich schauen die sich nun um.
It was mentioned in a post yesterday. Sadly it uses GPT.
That looks promising. Thanks! (A monkey needs a lot of shaving).
They come up with the 25.000€ car next year. Launching a car for 20.000€ in the same time would be a furhter strategic disaster (from a managements point of view).
Jip. Social media covers that.
It is a pleasure to witness but also Tesla sales points are under protest.
Didn’t see the feature to translate whole websites .
Yea, but I didn’t see a feature to translate whole webpages.
I did not find any good translator besides of Google. Might make a follow-up post on that topic. For now read the google translation if you like.
This is good news. I was under the impression, that Wero is sitting this one out or sleeping deeply. The European Payment Initiative EPI is related to this news.
I belive after the sales went back for about 50% in Europe, it's our American cousins giving Tesla the rest. Protests all over the place.