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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • The biggest challenge with an "owned wealth" tax is how do you actually measure it? It's easy if it's held in cash in a bank, but most billionaire's wealth is is land, property, and how do you measure the value of a Picasso stored in a vault if they can slip the valuator a grand to say it's worthless?

    Closing offshore money transfer loopholes, heightened tax on luxury spending (100% VAT on private jets and yachts?), making fines income-based, and treating capital gains the same way as income, are all more achievable.

    I'm totally on board with the sentiment though.

  • There's no need to be concerned because they're never going to build 100,000 new homes, never mind the 1.5M target. Building enough homes to house people would cause supply to meet demand and make the housing market "crash". And Labour will never upset those who've been tricked into thinking that home property is an investment.

  • I'm not sure if this counts as gameplay mechanics or rather narrative structure, but games like Outer Wilds, Fez, Tunic, where the exploration and discovery of the game is the end goal of playing the game, not just getting to the game's end state.

    I'm not sure if there's an accepted term for these games, but I've always thought of them as "archaeology" games. There's a bunch of stuff, both plot and gameplay, that is hidden (sometimes in plain sight), until you discover it and find out what meaning it carries.

  • It's honestly not amazing. It's a third person shooter across multiple different levels of built up environments, offices, corridors. The enemy AI is pretty terrible, and although there are different tactics you can use to "hack" and take over enemies or melee, it's usually just easier to shoot.

    But the parkour style navigation stood out. You can do wall jumping, which I was not expecting, and there are hidden pickups you can explore and find. And the open environments are nice (the corridors can feel a bit samey after a few levels).

    It feels like one of those tie-ins that, had the dev team had more time to explore, balance, and really make it into its own game, might have been really good.

  • I've downloaded some old PS2 era games. Some of the gameplay is quite dated, but I really enjoy the retro feel of the environments and graphics. Perfect photorealism isn't always necessary to enjoy a game. I've been playing Burnout and Ghost in the Shell SAC.

  • Krampus

  • If you are going to make me put a coin into a cart because you don't trust me to be an adult and tidy up after myself without being nannied, then I am going to do my damndest to bypass your lock and leave a mess out of spite.

    In the shops where I am trusted and not required to pay a coin (I never even carry cash these days) I tidy up because that is the decent thing to do.

  • To all the people saying they should release server source code: You don't even need to do that (as nice as it would be). At the very basic level all that is needed is:

    • remove DRM (which probably cost more effort to add in the first place)
    • a description of the API for any online components (which any decent dev team will already have internally documented)
  • looking at the junction points on that diagram only one side of the axle would change track if the switch was pulled resulting in a derailment so you could ignore the possibility of hitting the people in the middle thereby reducing this example to two parallel but unconnected trolley problems

    i choose to kill whoever calls them trolleys and not trams

  • I find it immensely infuriating that the article's byline shows they are reporting from 'London' when in fact this happened not just in a different city, Edinburgh, but in a completely different country, Scotland.

    Sad about the pandas, there are far too many people that simply can't be trusted with fireworks. Limiting it to a single night in dedicated display venues run by licensed organisations wouldn't remove the noise entirely, but it would reduce the frequency and would probably help all animals.