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Just 2 minutes of walking after eating can help blood sugar, study says | CNN
  • Especially if you're getting up in years. Even just some light walking everyday helps significantly in preventing or minimizing osteoporosis and muscle atrophy. Plenty of mental benefits too as well.

    At a point, a sedentary lifestyle will rapidly catch up with you both mentally and physically. It also becomes a "use it or lose it" when it comes to bone and muscle health and significantly difficult if not practically impossible to reverse once it starts to fail.

  • They basically want border towns to become civilian ran security checkpoints by the sounds of it.

    You stop for gas in Bumfuck, TX and the clerk gets to pressure you about what you're leaving the state for. If they think you're "one of those types", this ordinance gives them the authority to make your life a living hell. Doesn't even matter if you're actually getting an abortion, just that they "think" that you are.

  • Trial begins for Canada 'Freedom Convoy' organisers
  • Definitely don't ever underestimate how quickly lack of sleep can mess you up mentally and physically.

    Inflicting sleep deprivation on a person is widely recognized as a form of torture by human rights organizations as well as the UN.

  • 'Kids Online Safety Act' will deliberately target trans content, senator admits.
  • You mean the fact that the biggest initial source of support the Nazis got was from the emerging business class who were scared of the rising influence of labor unions? Can't imagine why that gets pushed under the bed.

    Not like we had that nearly happen here in the US or anything though. Just don't look into the Business Plot or that many of the Jan 6thers turned out to be small business tyrants...

    Just remember that the most dangerous Nazis aren't the skinheads on the corner but the ones on Wall Street.

  • JBP has got u bro
  • 90% of his advice is pretty much just boilerplate self help stuff you can find in thousands of books on Amazon. That stuff gets you in the door and is meant to develop a sense of trust because you might see initial improvement and feel good from the advice.

    It's when he does the rug pull and starts introducing trad nonsense into it that determines how willing a person is to keep following through on listening to him.

    Like you mentioned, this is an extremely common tactic used by religious leaders as well as cults. Back in the mid 20th century when the whole self help craze started, many cults took to framing themselves as self help groups to attract outsiders. NXIVM is probably the most infamous example of this. The first few meetings should seem like a normal support group but would soon start ramping up into full on cult mode.

  • Now that's some devotion!
  • Looks like it was cropped from this New Republic article from last June.

    In short, the article says the Republican Study Committee's proposed 2024 federal budget calls for removing the Community Eligibility Provision from the National School Lunch Program which provides funding to low income schools to have free meals for students

  • S.F. bakery won't serve cops, police union claims. Store says it's about the guns, not the cops
  • In my opinion the biggest problem w the police isn’t the officers it’s the training and culture.

    That's sorta the point that people generally have issues with cops dude. It's the overall culture of shielding of each other from consequences, stoking a "everyone is your enemy"/warrior mentality among officers, bad or lack of training leading to unneeded violent escalation etc.

    It's been police departments dragging their heels and throwing tantrums on addressing these issues that have what caused people's dislike of them to grow.

  • Hollywood strikes to cost US economy $5 billion-plus amid lost wages, film delays
  • He's seems like one of those shady ass business types that will run a company into the ground while trying to maximize his personal earnings before he skips town on a solid gold private jet.

    Looking at the numbers given on Wikipedia is ludicrous.

    "Milken's compensation while head of the high-yield bond department at Drexel Burnham Lambert in the late 1980s exceeded $1 billion over a four-year period, a record for U.S. income at that time."

    That's already nuts but then you look at the company's financials and its even more insane.

    Revenue: US$4.8 billion (1968)

    Net Income: US$545.5 million (1968)

    The guy was syphoning off a whole fifth of the company's entire revenue for the last years of its existence before it went bankrupt.

  • Hollywood strikes to cost US economy $5 billion-plus amid lost wages, film delays
  • "[Kevin Klowden, chief global strategist at the Milken Institute] explained that the work stoppage will impact other businesses besides production, including restaurants, catering companies, trucking agencies, and dry cleaning businesses, among many others. 'The main thing we're really factoring into it is the lost wages,' Klowden told Yahoo Finance Live"

    Got to sow that discontent for the strikers among other workers. As if the Hollywood business execs give 2 shits.

    Also checked up about this Milken Institute and of course it's some scumbag think tank. The opening paragraph on their Wikipedia page is great and totally makes them seem like a reputable and unbiased source.

    "The institute was founded in 1991 by Michael Milken, a former Drexel Burnham Lambert banker who gained notoriety for significant financial success as a pioneer of "junk bonds" as well as his subsequent felony conviction and prison sentence for U.S. securities law violations."

  • Why British cities make no sense
  • Tldr is that the official term "city" in the UK is pretty much entirely ceremonial.

    All it means is that the ruling monarch liked your town enough that they would give it city status by royal decree. That's why "city status" seems so arbitrary because it's entirely is.

  • Apple to Limit iPhone 15 USB-C Cables to USB 2.0 Speeds: Report
  • And this is nothing new at all for Apple. I still remember how infuriating it was having to deal with iTunes for moving files to and from my iPod Touch. Jailbreaking so I didn't have to deal with iTunes was such a relief

    Android obviously having no issues with you just having direct access to the file system makes it so much easier

  • An oldie but a goodie.
  • "Try to do that at an airport and you'll get arrested."

    She knows plane spotting at big airports is a pretty common thing too right? Hell, some airports even have a place where it's specifically encouraged. Reagan Intl has a park that was built at the end of the runway for plane spotters.

    "I'm the media"

    You'd think she'd be better at researching basic stuff that takes a 5 second google search to know it's perfectly fine to do

  • Big Tech companies are finally getting the names we thought dystopian megacorps would have
  • "Well, there was a bit of a stir when it was decided that since corporations are people, they could technically run for president. But President Walt Disney-Pepsi-Comcast has done wonders for the economy... given that it's... now the economy"

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