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Global IT outage shows dangers of cashless society, campaigners say
    1. take "this"... 2..... 3....
    2. profit
  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • Long live King Biden! Take out them enemies King Biden

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • Biden should officially 2/3 of Congress ASAP...or at least someone he will pardon, unlike Hunter.

  • Martin Shkreli was said to have paid $2 million to own the Wu-Tang Clan’s one-of-a-kind album, “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin.” Its new buyers paid $4 million. The Album

    The world's most expensive album ever sold is now on sale for $1. Recorded in secret over six years, Once Upon a Time in Shaolin is the seventh studio album from the Wu-Tang Clan.

    The Album

    “The album itself is kind of the O.G. NFT,” said Mr. Johnson, 34, who was proudly sporting a Wu-Tang T-shirt.

    To tie “Once Upon a Time” to the digital realm, an NFT was created to stand as the ownership deed for the physical album, said Peter Scoolidge, a lawyer who specializes in cryptocurrency and NFT deals and was involved in the transaction. The 74 members of PleasrDAO — the abbreviation in its name identifies it as a “decentralized autonomous organization” — share collective ownership of the NFT deed, and thus own the album.

    As the owners, they can listen to the 31 tracks on its two CDs, ogle its engraved nickel-silver box and leaf through the leather-bound parchment book that are part of the item’s overall package. But, for now at least, PleasrDAO’s members are still bound by the original restrictions that RZA and Cilvaringz imposed on Mr. Shkreli, including that it cannot be released to the general public in any form until 2103 (88 years from its initial sale in 2015). Archive link

    Is there any way to turn my Linux machine into a docking station?
  • Synergy is a software KvM. Connect as many computers as you want into one: seamless mouse and keyboard between all of them.

  • What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • 98-02 Slackware

    02-24 Gentoo

    Im currently fixated on nixos and it's likely to get gentoo's spot when I need to replace this workstation

  • Microsoft blocks Windows 11 workaround that enabled local accounts
  • Use shift f10 and edit the registry.... They aren't disabling that until they have a better solution for autopilot.

    May not work for home editions...

  • is there an arch Fork where I can compile every package myself?
  • Im a huge gentoo nerd but recently have found to be quite satisfying as well.

  • Alex Jones says Infowars could be shut down within hours
  • Don't worry Alex we got a copy on

  • Trump says if he is jailed that could be 'breaking point' for Americans
  • And they'll live stream the evidence again

  • Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?
  • No, I guess Wayland is kind of on my to-do list....I just don't need anything it offers. I'm grumpily enough implementing systemd already

  • Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?
  • Ive never stopped, just recently did my first nixos build with enlightenment. Had an old XPS with 4k screen works nicely. I like the reenlightened theme

  • Live Updates: Judge Holds Trump in Contempt of Court, Fining Him $9,000
  • That's like charging me $0.90 or $1.80 depending on if I inflate my assets at all

  • Russia says Polish discussion on hosting US nuclear weapons is dangerous
  • What's dangerous is Russian money with American uselessfull idiots

  • The Man Who Killed Google Search
  • Duck Duck Gomes

  • The spectacular implosion of the Libertarian Party
  • If you put three libertarians in a room, the only thing on which they'll all agree is that there is only one libertarian in the room.

  • How to learn Windows?
  • I love python. Even on windows but I tend to try to learn to live off the land and not prerequisite my admin skills on additional software that may not always be available or an option.

  • A philosopher walks into a bar...

    A philosopher walks into a bar, dragging his long beard.

    The bartender, a grizzly bear of a man, bellows, "Hey Socrates, what's your poison?"

    The philosopher, scratching his chin, replies, "I'll have a glass of impossibility, straight up."

    The bartender laughs, "Sorry, fresh out of that. The unicorn drank the last of it."

    The philosopher, not missing a beat, says, "Isn't every drink just a metaphor for the soul who orders it? A mirror in a glass?"

    The bartender, twirling his mustache, retorts, "Well, in that case, how about a cocktail of confusion, shaken not stirred, with a twist of clarity to keep you guessing?"

    The philosopher grins, "Perfect. And add a dash of reality, just to ruin the taste."

    Compromised Microsoft Key: More Impactful Than We Thought Compromised Microsoft Key: More Impactful Than We Thought | Wiz Blog

    Our investigation of the security incident disclosed by Microsoft and CISA and attributed to Chinese threat actor Storm-0558, found that this incident seems to have a broader scope than originally assumed. Organizations using Microsoft and Azure services should take steps to assess potential impact.

    Compromised Microsoft Key: More Impactful Than We Thought | Wiz Blog

    According to Microsoft, the compromised key was inactive and therefore any access token signed by this key must be considered suspicious.

    Unfortunately, there is a lack of standardized practices when it comes to application-specific logging. Therefore, in most cases, application owners do not have detailed logs containing the raw access token or its signing key. As a result, identifying and investigating such events can prove exceedingly challenging for app owners.

    Study examines productivity effects of ChatGPT when used by college-educated professionals Study examines productivity effects of ChatGPT when used by college-educated professionals

    A pair of economists at MIT have conducted an experiment designed to determine if the use of ChatGPT by college-educated professionals can make them more productive. In their study, reported in the journal Science, Shakked Noy and Whitney Zhang designed and conducted a study in which college-educate...

    Study examines productivity effects of ChatGPT when used by college-educated professionals

    Free software junkie (i.e. speech not beer), keyboard jockey, Coonass libertarian, how bah dat baw? Laissez les bon temps rouler - mais' wea

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