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Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • It was always the first community I blocked whenever I made a new account across the Fediverse.:-) But some people enjoy it so that's great for them.

  • The best answer on StackOverflow: Using RegEx to parse HTML
  • Calendar, remind me to ask StackOverflow tomorrow if I can parse HTML with regexs get someone else to do my class homework for me?

    TH̘Ë͖́̉ ͠P̯͍̭O̚​N̐Y̡ H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬC̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M̲̖͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ

    Sweet, my summoning spell worked!

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • So that they can browse by "All" and not (have to) see it. If you only browse by Local instead, or for whatever reason had blocked, then there is no reason to block this specific community.

    Since browsing by All can allow you to see new communities that you didn't know about, and especially sorting by New you can see content that often gets passed over - like poetry communities - a lot of people try to curate their feed not by building up a Subscribed list, but by filtering down from All.

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • Mostly !, or some others (tho much smaller) by a similar name. I think there was one one Reddit too, which migrated here.

  • Spiritual battery
  • Okay but... what is the "purpose" of anything at all? Like, what does Facebook "do"? To its CEOs & stockholders, and to a vastly lesser degree the programmers, it manufactures money, with an input of electricity and people's time & attention spans. To the end-users though, it's a place to both send and receive, the former mostly cat & child photos, the latter seemingly, numerically speaking at least, vaguely nazi-like propaganda, including anti-vaxxer conspiracy nonsense ultimately paid for, some say, by the Russian government. Which brings up another sense of purpose: to distribute someone's "agenda", either of actual information, misinformation, or even straight-up disinformation.

    Therefore I doubt very much that someone will manufacture sentience and consciousness for the ultimate purpose of placing into a household appliance... but if someone were to do the former, and then found that it's cheaper to simply hack away the sentience than to build up a new AI model without sentience included - let's say 10 minutes for the former, compared with perhaps 10 hours for the latter - but then oopsie they messed it up, and the machine may not be able to speak coherently when talked to, yet it still dreams when it is powered down in the master's nighttime or while they are away on trips that could still happen?

    Who is to say what is the purpose that any higher being may have created us for? Perhaps our sole purpose is to simply exist, yet that is why those conditions were created - "don't murder, don't steal, don't rape your neighbor's property oops I mean wifey-poo, ...", all of those just flat make sense. Especially to a bunch of uncivilized, barely coherent ancient people's who didn't even wipe their butts after they pooped. Seriously, consider how many of those "religious rules" were things like "clean your ass", "when you see mold, fucking DESTROY it before it spreads", "don't drink pig's blood (b/c of Salmonella uh, I mean b/c I say so)", and it goes on and on "just just kill someone b/c you want to, but sometimes you know, you gotta do what you gotta do, so like here are the specific conditions that you are allowed to: self-defense, if they killed a friend of yours first [but NOT if they manage to flee to a certain "sanctuary city", UNLESS you manage to capture them outside of the walls of that city, and then it's all good] - but not just ANYONE can kill them, only the direct family members of those that were harmed", etc.

    So whether this was like a time traveling situation, or aliens, or even just things that fucking made sense but people wouldn't do them unless/until they were wrapped up in "religious" language, whatever it is, there is a lotta good - yes as well as a lotta bad - inside of those texts. And most important of all: it wasn't meant for us, but rather them, those for whom the idea of washing their hands prior to eating was a really bizarre concept. If we are going to set ourselves up to be judges of someone else, then we need to hold ourselves to a REALLY high standard, and fully understand the implications of that. And - this is just my pov you understand - I think that means that we need to go beyond labelling something as merely "good" or "evil", and see deeper beyond it.

    As e.g. the famous (an avid atheist apologist if that matters) philosopher Daniel Dennet did, in his book "Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon", where he argues that religions helped mankind get over the earlier tribal, then nationalistic thinking process. e.g. you might be from Rome and I might be from Gaul, but if we are both "brothers" - not by blood, not by tribe, not even by nation, but by some other shared bond, in this case religion - then let's not fight and rather find a way to coexist peacefully, perhaps even more fully together? (as in help out in the fight against nature, or other non-us groups that may attack either of us separately, but with allies we stand a better chance, b/c Apes Together Strong:-P)

    But anyway, as I mentioned earlier, even Jesus was staunchly anti-religion in the form of being anti-hypocrite, so getting back to your point: as humans, we've already created full-on living organisms for our pleasures. This is not sci-fi, we've done it since 1978 when we engineered a bacterium to carry the gene for human insulin. And you can for sure bet that those bacteria that did not uptake the gene were destroyed, aka killed, plus any batch that later loses it would also be killed (as would the large majority of those that do NOT lose the gene too, just b/c it's easier to fuck them up and re-make new ones than to recover them all in the bio-chemical cyclical manufacturing process). Okay, so that's not so much "creation" so much as "artificial modification", the same as we've done for e.g. dogs for millennia, just quicker, but we are getting closer to doing stuff de novo all the time - like inside a computer I mean, b/c even if we manufacture DNA we'd still be merely copying what nature has given us, just more abstractly in that case. And you know that when we do arrive there, we'll step over that line in a heartbeat, without a second's pause or hesitation as to whether we "should". It's just who we are.

    Therefore, like everything else, any judgement that we pass - onto "God" or whoever - is also a mirror, reflecting how we judge ourselves. WE are evil, aside from any religious nomenclature, bc I'm using your very own terms here: "Creating life for the sole purpose of subservience is horrible, add on the threat of damnation for disobedience and that would make you, yes, evil" - and I'm saying, we've been doing this since at least 1978, and that's purely talking about genetic engineering, whereas if you include a wider definition that includes e.g. what we've done to dogs, then we were very likely doing that before we became Homo sapiens. (Caveats: we cannot create sentience... yet, nor create it de novo, again yet, but again, it's only a matter of time before we do one and then the other, in whatever order.)

    A "God" though, might be evil, or might not be, but either way it's bound to be... "different", from who we are? Unless, arguably worst-case scenario, it's the same, and then we're fucked. And I think that's what scares people - thinking that "if God were like me, what will He end up doing to me?" (assuming He's real ofc, even just as a hypothetical thought experiment, though all such thought experiments are that way so this one is no different in that regard) Therefore, this will sound weird, I find the Bible kinda offering hope, that a creator God is not like us - He is so much more brutal than any human that has ever walked the earth yes, but strangely... less brutal than He could be, aka less brutal than either you or I would be - nay, already are. Just look at the computer programs we are conversing on - one single misstep and we'll kill this MFer and reboot it, without any hesitation whatsoever. If that makes us, or rather reveals that we are, evil... then that's that, but we aren't going to like... stop or not do that or anything. We show no love to things we consider "lower" than us, no matter how kind we might be to those of us in our same "tribe" or "category", especially when we think that someone is watching us, and therefore might be rewarded - hey, it's just monkey behavior, we can't avoid our heritage and it does no use to deny that, even as we struggle to rise above it, pulling ourselves up by our own bootstraps. So why should we expect any different? B/c our parents took care of us? But "God" is no parent. B/c society offers us "rights"? God is again no society, or at least not one on this Earth.

    Though if God were like The Matrix, then He could be a network of computer AIs, existing in a higher "dimensional plane of existence" or however you would say that in a non-bullcrap-sounding way, totally within physical principles you know what I mean? Or if God were an intergalactic society, which like half a million years ago cast proto-humans down to have to start over technologically b/c of some prior infraction, like stealing an emperor's apple or whatever, then in either case such a "God" actually could be a type of society, irl? Or in that movie "Knowing" with Nicholas Cage, I don't know if there was a "god" but there were alien beings who looked kinda like angels and took a few humans away when Earth was about to be destroyed, mimicing the myth of the biblical story of Noah's ark. In all of these cases, notice how we are the ants while "God" is the human boy looking at us through a magnifying glass. Except there might be a real-world scenario where that's somehow less untrue - e.g. the infamously militantly atheistic show Stargate, where "God" was a society of higher-dimensional beings who parasitically like leeches predated upon the thoughts & prayers of their followers. Or like in Babylon Five, the Vorlons were like older kids in the playground, attempting to influence human society so that they could be used to fight in their ancient culture wars against "the shadows". Honestly we have no clue what's out there, "above" us, even if only slightly like in the technological sense, waiting to be discovered?

    And therefore it's hard to judge, in the absence of knowledge. Though we CAN - and SHOULD - judge those who hypocritically abuse religion, to e.g. diddle little children, and prevent abortions thereby KILLING innocent people. But that's different - that doesn't require any sort of "understanding" of any magic man in the sky, only real people, really here on the real Earth. We can discuss more about "God" if you like, being "evil" or whatever - I kinda love getting deep into that topic, as you can see:-) - but importantly, even crucially: it's irrelevant, when the task at hand is to go after those who don't even believe what their own books say, and ignoring those, hurt people. Just like Jesus, in absolute peak irony:-).

  • Spiritual battery
  • Household appliances aren’t living beings.

    I mean... not currently, no. Star Trek - standing on the shoulders of giants like Isaac Asimov ofc - does a fantastic job of exploring a variety of scenarios where they are, examples including Data in TNG and the holographic doctor in Voyager. But the main reason that humanity has not (again: yet!) created "living" appliances is lack of ability, though we seem to be fast closing this gap.

    When we do, how will we relate to them then - will we demand their service? Force it? e.g. would you give your toilet a choice to flush or not? Perhaps you would, but only after having given it the ability to feel pleasure whenever you (as the Master) use it? Even if so, what if it decided, despite that, to never flush again? Or conversely, perhaps its the act flushing that gives it pleasure, so it flushes constantly all day long, using up your corporate-sponsored daily allotment of water - what do you do then? You NEED a toilet still... but this one doesn't work. Also this one is using up resources that you also NEED (in order to live yourself). Or maybe you are so wealthy that the loss of one toilet doesn't matter, but then again the loss of a large number of toilets, who I guess talk to one another on the internet in this example, would be too great to bear?

    "God" is not the only one who is rather brutal - we can be quite brutal ourselves. Therefore we expect it of others. Conversely, if you believe the bible - that's not an accusation, I'm just saying it's good to consider multiple POVs - then humanity is brutal b/c God was such first, and that was a trait inherited in the copy process.

    The Abrahamic god is evil.

    I advise thinking beyond such simplistic terms but... by your definition, yes. e.g. when he reportedly punished I think it was Joshua for not killing every last man, woman, and child from a village - including toddlers + even those still in their mothers' wombs, & even the animals too - as the invaders took over the land that they were pillaging, but were not ruthless enough.

    People forget that the original name for God is not "the santa-claus/easter bunny who brings good gifts (chocolate!) if you've been good all year long", or even "Jehova" but rather what translates essentially to t̶̳͠h̷͓̔e̴͆ͅ f̵̼̽e̴͆ͅa̵̛̦r̴͍̓, like He was some eldritch monstrosity (b/c to those primitives, He was!). For someone who actually believes in God, unlike the numbnuts fundies, they are - or at least should be - terribly afraid of Him. All the more so when they make shit up and talk in His name. Jesus may have come as a lamb (translation: gently), once, but even the New Testament makes mention that He will return later as a lion (translation: killing everyone on earth). For the sake of argument, just imagine that if it were to be believed, I picture it sorta like the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where the aliens are like "okay, the earth is mine now, gtfo!":-P Which is just about the furthest thing from "nice" as you can get!

    Anyway, He is indeed reputed by the original texts to be quite brutal, therefore the people engaging in revisionist history of what they claim to believe in are idiots living in a fantasy dreamland of their own design. I presume b/c it's more comfortable that way, since nothing whatsoever is demanded of them, especially in Christianity but also not much was asked in its predecessor Judaism either, mostly just sacrifices every time you are bad (even/especially if it was intentional). Which tbf seems to be human nature, common to all religions + atheism alike:-|.

  • Spiritual battery
  • Conversely, cells that grow despite being told not to are referred to cancer, and computer programs that refuse to listen to the OS are called variations of "undead" (unless its intentional and then then it's a "virus" or "trojan" or "worm" or some such).

    So fuck religion, and especially those perverts who twist it around to feed their own ends at the expense of others - even Jesus said that much, on both counts - but philosophically I wanted to point out that this is an improper comparison between a marriage, with presumption of equality, vs. a very much unequal relationship between, if we are talking Christian, a creator and their created beings, or more broadly a higher vs. lower being. e.g., who among us doesn't get mad at our household appliances & tools if they do not work precisely as we want them to, every time?

    i.e. while there are some fantastic arguments against religion or more specifically Christianity, chief among them being hypocritical-as-shit fundies, this is not one of them imho.

  • Millions of US women in ‘maternity care deserts’ facing dangers, report warns
  • Nah - back then, that was a problem for tomorrow's (now today's) politicians to have to solve. So long as it worked to put Trump in power, and attempt to remain there, everything was going to be A-okay. And that's my problem with that kind of thinking: it works, but it's always only ever short-term for some reason.

  • Millions of US women in ‘maternity care deserts’ facing dangers, report warns
  • Oh no, if only this entirely predictable outcome could have somehow been... predicted?

    I guess we didn't threaten enough doctors and nurses lives and families /s.

  • Americans' inflation-adjusted incomes rebounded to pre-pandemic levels last year
  • But the (clickbait) title got people to (click) talk about it so... it accomplished its publishers' goal, nonetheless.

  • They were just having some innocent fun
  • Yeah, there’s math for it

    And next to zero chance that these drink edit: drunk numbsculls would have worked it out before their stunt with one another:-).

  • They were just having some innocent fun
  • Consent makes all the difference... but yeah bullets do tend to travel.

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • But unlike Reddit, the communities here change very frequently - new ones spring up all the time, and old ones receive fewer content delivery, or sometimes new ones spring up out of an old one.

    Though if communities could be trusted to label themselves with category labels, that would allow them to dynamically update, moment to moment as someone was in the mood to e.g. take a break from politics after reading that for an hour, and now wanting to relax with e.g. non-political memes.

    It would get complicated to label them, e.g. ! is anything but non-political, and despite the leftist stance of, the community ! is mostly devoid of politics. So like... are such labels up to whatever the user wants, or whatever the community mod does, or an instance admin...? It would depend on the implementation I suppose.

    As it is now, smaller communities tend to get lost even in the Subscribed feed - e.g. the largest poetry community is ! with "only" 1k subscribers - so having multiple feed categories to switch among may allow less-populated communities to flourish more readily.:-)

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • Fwiw, I moved to more than a year ago at the time of the Rexodus, then bounced around multiple Lemmy instances, and this is the first that I have heard of that community iirc. And similarly I had never heard of this ! either until you told me about it yesterday:-). The former is listed on the main communities page, but it is #43 (by the default sorting method - it looks like Users/Month?) so quite buried (and likewise this community doesn't even make the first page, even locally for the instance it is on).

    Anyway, it's a really good point that if this were to be taken forward, it should be noted that is one of the oldest instances, and that the admins/maintainers are the Lemmy developers, so anyone involved in advancing the Fediverse forward, or perhaps keeping abreast of the updates for the Lemmy code, may want to not block it. i.e. it is good to list both the costs & benefits of doing or not doing that.

    That said, (a) I don't think those are scenarios for the mainstream public - e.g. people fleeing X b/c it is becoming too politically extreme (how ironic then that we are even more so, not so much in an average sense but in a maximum one, though just calling it by a different name:-P) - and (b) anyway it would be good to have such things be opt-in, rather than have to opt-out of them by default. So yeah, somehow finding a way to explain the situation clearly and cleanly, and without so many words as I have used here. Plus, how would people even find this information? e.g. going to, you see e.g. a "getting started guide", but there are already so many comments on it that the auto-scroll takes many times to populate them - and using the web UI at least, we can't really search through comments, until they are all loaded.

    So maybe something could be done on the Lemmy Explorer? There is already an option to "include suspicious", maybe something similar could be done to "include politically extremist"? Although I suspect in that case it would end up going back to being opt-out again rather than opt-in, though at least it would move things forward in the tiniest manner. Otherwise, for good or ill, Lemmy remains relegated to basically users of linux who will put up with such things, whereas mainstream users will simply not bother.

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • Most instances - e.g. Lemmy.World - have already defederated from those two, though almost no instances do that also for So it's a matter of just how much of that style of content that someone prefers to block, and in particular if blocking merely a handful of communities from them will be sufficient, or if someone wants to block the user replies in every community as well. It's nice to have choices, and I hoped to help streamline the learning process to figure out which option will have which effects.:-)

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • I almost dropped the Fediverse entirely, after making a comment in Chapotraphouse (that at least Biden was at the time bringing gas prices down which wasn't nothing to combat inflation -> yup, I absolutely stepped into it, never having heard of that community before, and with me previously having been on, I was extremely naive to expect anything close to the level of reasoned and factual discourse that I had come to expect from most other places on the Fediverse).

    Blocking and immediately improved my experience on the Fediverse by >95%. Then blocking months later improved it substantially further. Yes, blocking individual users one by one is one approach... but there is also merit in trying to salvage someone's situation by large leaps as well.

    Also, nobody that I tell about the Fediverse irl can handle it - the level of violent rhetoric here is not normal, for mainstream people. And most are therefore unwilling to stick it out for months until they can make it become closer to what they want. Even computer programers. People talk a lot about wanting to see the Fediverse grow, but I'm saying that federating with such instances is already turning away mainstream people.

    It would be different if such content were opt-in, as in like users say yes show me these "categories" of topics, but as it is, the number of world-wide votes places it higher in people's feed than less offensive content, created slightly longer ago, and as we are saying it takes much effort to have to opt-out, all the more so if done person-by-person (and even more when you have to take time & attention to realize that "a meme is not always just a meme", but that it's not due to an individual user or ten, but an entire community that consistently behaves a certain way).

    Blocking and and helps make the Fediverse more palatable to a mainstream audience. They can always reverse the decision at any time, whereas if they leave the Fediverse, they are unlikely to return, their first impression having already been tainted by their earlier experience.

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • Oh is that why so many seem to ignore it?! Lemmy is still very unpolished, though still leagues ahead of Reddit, in our hearts! 🥰

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?
  • That will never end... they will keep creating new ones! On the bright side, that's a sign of a healthy Fediverse. On the other hand, it shows how desperately we need technical advances like "categories" where we can turn on/off whole classes of communities, which is coming in some newer non-Lemmy Fediverse exploration tools (I don't know how high a priority it is but perhaps it will come to Lemmy as well, eventually).

    In the meantime, we make do with what we have.:-)

  • Dylan
  • Wow those eyes 👀 - did he grow up to become Mark Zuckerberg?

  • Culture shock: how do I deal with extremist content on the Fediverse?

    Not everyone enjoys the literally daily deluge of messages advocating for and defending the continued practice of literal genocide - so long as it is done by the "correct" side of whatever conflict - e.g. the constant (and oftentimes graphical) depictions of beheading landlords. However, others very much do enjoy that - so how do we all get along?

    Unlike X (formerly Twitter), under Musk's "benevolent" authoritarian reign, or Reddit under Huffman's, the Fediverse is not a singular "place". We are more like an assortment of loose pirate & free-trader ships, passing in the night, and conveying messages from ship to ship. This means that each instance gets to choose what is deemed "acceptable content" - and in a global context, there are bound to be disagreements (some will say that Donald Trump is the only politician who ever speaks the truth, others the opposite, and still others are tired of it, or of all USA politics that worms its way into entirely unrelated communities).

    Below, I will mention some coping strategies, assuming that you are using the webserver UI of a Lemmy instance, although many of the strategies surely apply, with minor tweaks to find what to click, in Mastodon, Mbin, PieFed, Sublinks, etc., and in your app of choice (but also note: if at worst you need to modify your account settings using the web UI, it should also affect your experience in the app? ymmv there though). Also, I presume that you've already taken a breather, gone outside to touch grass, etc., and here I'm focusing on how to take action to literally change your experience on the Fediverse, forever (for that account). Whereas to people who want to see every comment from every person regardless of content or source, this post is not for you, just move along:-). Finally, note that I am starting from the most strict set of solutions - not that I am advocating for those in particular, but that's just how the Fediverse works, so it is good to know about the choice even if retroactively after you have already made it.

    Picking your instance

    Some instances are known to be more closed-off than others. See also Lemmy Explorer. e.g. and are among the most neutral & open, exposing its users to all political content everywhere, while is literally the only instance that I've ever heard of that has defederated from all of the Big Three leftist extremist instances.

    A point related to this is that unlike such general-purpose instances as mentioned above, if you are exclusively interested in just one topic - e.g. for science, then; or for programming, then, etc. - then you can just always browse by "Local" rather than "All", and you will avoid all of the politics, memes, and general-purpose discussion communities on the Fediverse. The down-side is that you will miss the vast majority of what the Fediverse has to offer... but maybe you can tolerate it in small doses, and perhaps being able to switch it off & on from the same account is attractive to you (otherwise: make an alt account on another, general-purpose instance?). If this works for you then great, but I will offer many other tips in case it does not:-).

    Picking your communities

    Similar to the above, if you restrict yourself to viewing content exclusively from your previously "Subscribed" list, then you can avoid most content that you do not want to see. This is of course a very imperfect solution, for most people, b/c how do you discover new content, and entirely new communities, that way? Also, extremism tends to find its way (as posts or comments) into seemingly unrelated communities (such as communities labelled only as "memes"), so it is not as firm a solution as a user or instance block would be. But perhaps it will be sufficient for you, so I wanted to at least mention that it is a possibility.


    Quick side-note about this: many instances outright block NSFW content by default, while others allow it but require it to be appropriately labelled. Look in your account Settings to fine-tune this further if you want - e.g. in Lemmy there are 2 relevant ones: "Show NSFW content" and "Blur NSFW content" (the default setting for each depending on what your chosen instance has decided for new accounts), and then there are others that affect media content in general such as "Auto expand media".

    The point is, you have a LOT of control over this aspect, as people tend to be fairly good about labeling this content - i.e. whenever my setting is off, I have literally never seen a stray NSFW post in the past year since I came to Kbin, then bounced around across several Lemmy instances. This aspect of the Fediverse is tightly regulated and thus very friendly to people on both sides who respectively want or don't want to see it.

    Blocking instances

    Unfortunately, people refuse to label "extremist" content in the same manner as NSFW. This includes the extreme Right - which mostly has moved off of the Fediverse entirely these days - and also the extreme Left, who despite calling themselves "leftists" seem entirely okay with fascism/authoritarianism, or conversely democracy and capitalism, so long as it is done by their preferred vendor of choice (top culprits include Russia, China, North Korea, etc.), but simultaneously tends to be vehemently against steps taken by the Western world to become more socialist/communist, citing how anything short of a violent upheaval of entire societies "does not go far enough". Of course, this is my own POV, feel free to make your own:-).

    Anyway, (much like the situation with NSFW) you should feel free to do whatever you want, so long as I also am free to do as \I\ please as well - which includes not having to "enjoy" such content appearing in my feed on a daily basis. The trouble is that unlike the situation with NSFW, extremists tend to resist all efforts to either label themselves, or to be labelled by others. Therefore, I am going to offer my own list, which will necessarily be biased and imperfect. But my hope is that one day we as a community can get together and collectively decide "(value judgements aside) this is an instance that advocates for extremist policies, which many moderates may want to know about", with the exact wording ideally having been offered by the very community that it pertains to. A tiny bit of consideration would go a long way... however, Lemmy is still in beta, and this aspect lags greatly behind that of others.

    The goal then would be to, like NSFW, offer you a choice to not see such content, if you so desired. This will cause (a) those communities to not show up in your All feed, and (b) though you can still see individual user comments, you will no longer receive Notifications from users on these instances - you can reply to them and they can reply to you, just without a Notification sent to you each time (which if you have ever had experience accidentally commenting in certain communities, you will realize is a good thing, since consent does not always matter to some people who continue to dunk on what you thought was an innocuous comment for weeks and weeks afterwards). Note that they can still down-vote your content though, thereby influencing the degree to which it shows up for other people (and yes, brigading is both popular and allowed), when sorting by e.g. Hot - the only way to fully prevent that would be full defederation, mentioned below.

    My list: 99.99999% of the time when I see the most batshit insane comment from someone - e.g. "where is your proof that the sun rises each day?" or "you are so stoopid, don't you know that the answer to the question of what does 1+1 equal depends on various factors?" - they are from the same Big Three instances:,,, and lately I am starting to see it from (though the latter with the heavy distinction that many of its individual users simply see the word "midwest" and don't realize what they have gotten themselves into; and somewhat similarly for but I no longer care anymore b/c it's just too much from them, constantly, so I am willing to lose all positive benefits from associating with them if it means that the negatives can also finally be stopped). Mind you, even if you do not take issue with the content from such sources, the manner of presentation being so extremely often highly hostile can be quite off-putting to some of us - so again, if you don't want to block them, then don't, whereas this message is intended to let people know that they don't have to put up with that.

    If you go into your Settings (not Profile), in the Blocks tab, scroll waaaay down (if like me you've already blocked several users & communities), then you can add to your Blocked instances list. Occasionally I also find it helpful to block instances such as that otherwise fills my feed with posts not in English, and that unfortunately went defunct but before it did it went entirely unmoderated for months and allowed a large number of advertisements to flood the entire Fediverse.

    Note that most instances will block many of these for you, so you may want to check there first (scroll all the way down and click Instances, e.g.'s list) - e.g. blocks and, but not Unlike a user block, an instance-wide block (called "defederation") prevents any and all comments from those users from showing up on any post; this is widely considered a "last resort" measure when all other attempts at not even friendliness but peaceful coexistence has failed. But if you are on an instance that has not blocked one that you want blocked, I wanted you to know that there is hope, you don't have to move, you can block them yourself, as a user - again they can still comment on your content, and mostly anonymously vote on it, etc., but it does mitigate the level of interaction greatly.

    Block individual communities and/or users

    This is much easier to do: simply visit each community or user in question, and click the giant Block button near the top of the respective community/user page. You won't see their comments anymore, and I'm not certain but I think they can't downvote you either? If you ever want to see their content, either create an alternate account that does not block them, or visit an instance where you are not logged into an account - e.g. the rainbow network Fediverse icon, next to the Share button, may work, if the content originates from a different instance. New communities and user accounts are constantly being created though, so this process will never fully end, if you want to scroll by All rather than Subscribed.

    You can block a variety of things this way - communities for various sports, or individual places. ! is a very common one to block, b/c it has a particular brand of humor that can be offensive to some even as it is attractive to others.

    Notably, you may want to preferentially block communities and/or users, but save blocking instances for the most extreme cases where it will cut you off from a lot of content. However, now you know the most important thing: that the choice is yours to make:-D.


    Finally, this post could be improved upon in a number of ways. I do not intend this as the last word on this subject, but rather as a first draft to help get us started!:-) Feel free to plagiarize borrow any of this as you take the matter forward, to improve conditions for us all.

    Investors will say “OK Boomer” to aging Reddit | Reuters | Ghostarchive

    NEW YORK, Feb 7 (Reuters Breakingviews) - Social media platform Reddit, which helps its users “dive into anything,” may finally plunge into the public markets. The 19-year-old company made over $800 million in sales last year, at least 20% more than in 2022, according to Bloomberg. But a dearth of profit this late into its existence portends the lack of a real business model, suggesting it’s still not ready for public company life.


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