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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • Instead the way to go about this is MORE democracy not less of it.

    Agreed. Some good steps to take:

    • Switching to approval/STAR voting (far fewer flaws than FPTP, generaly better than ranked)
    • Requiring all companies to be worker owned democracies. We don't accept dictators or monarchists in government, so why would we accept that kind of tyranny in our work?
    • Shit loads of anti-corruption efforts. As of right now, politics is controlled with money, and politicians effectively get a free pass to use their office for personal gain. That shit needs to end.
  • Agreed. A good first step towards accelerating that would be to stop giving the fossil fuel industry subsidies and instead give those subsidies to zero emission energy sources.

    Solar is already the cheapest IIRC. If it got stupid cheap to the point of basically being free, a lot of people would switch over.

  • No. Bombing campaigns are famously expensive and ineffective with regards to actually killing people. I’m serious. There’s a reason why Hitler used filtration camps and mustard gas. There’s a reason why the Chinese use forced sterilization programs. These programs are cheaper, more efficient, and more effective at genocide.

    The difference is, Israel relies on receiving billions of dollars from foreign nations to support itself and this war. If they were to do such things, they would likely lose a lot of that support. So they need to have plausible deniability.

    And you're feeding into that.

    "Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:"

    • Killing members of the group; - They've done plenty of this
    • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; - They've done plenty of this
    • Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; - See above statements on forcing civilians from their homes, destruction of residences, prevention of food and water
    • Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; - See my above statements explaining the similarity
    • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. - Already explained to you

    A genocide is a genocide even if the destruction is only partial. Only one of these is needed to define a genocide under the genocide convention, and Israel is very nearly doing all five.

    Oh, Israel is taking Palestinian children and forcing them to become adopted under Israeli parents, who then force them to learn Hebrew and turn away from Islam?

    You are adding on extra qualifications when I already proved similarity. You are moving the goal posts.

    Have a good day.

  • There’s no system or intent, or order, or exhaustive attempt at actually trying to kill everyone here.

    A large scale effort to drop bombs on a civilian population that is ~50% minors is not systematic or intentional? You're being deliberately obtuse.

    In case you missed it, going to copy and paste from earlier:

    Russia vs Ukraine is a top-down high-level program to kidnap children, burn Ukrainian books, deny Ukrainian culture, and explicitly filter Ukrainian identity and disperse it.

    The scale is not the same here at least in part due to the difference in size between Ukraine and Palestine. But the similarity is clear.

  • I am aware you are saying intent is required. I am asking how can you come to the conclusion that:

    • Forced sterilizations
    • Killing of children en mass

    Only one of these has clear intention, while the other does not?

    In case you missed it, going to copy and paste from earlier:

    Russia vs Ukraine is a top-down high-level program to kidnap children, burn Ukrainian books, deny Ukrainian culture, and explicitly filter Ukrainian identity and disperse it.

    The scale is not the same here at least in part due to the difference in size between Ukraine and Palestine. But the similarity is clear.

  • Because historically speaking, mass bombing campaigns has never been considered a genocide.

    Why? I'm trying to ask you what is the fundamental difference.

    Why is forced sterilization considered genocide, but the intentional killing of children not?

    The issue at play here is that Hamas was incredibly shitty with the planning of their food security

    Everybody can play the blame game. That doesn't mean Israel should get a free pass for shutting off the water in areas they occupy, or for preventing food aid from arriving. They are aware that doing so will lead to civilian deaths, and will force them from their homes.

    Also, see the above links, I edited my comment to add additional support for the comparison to Russia's actions against Ukraine.

  • but large scale forced sterilizations is a specific program designed to prevent births and is obviously genocidal.

    So what about this shows intention for genocide? How does that count as genocide (intention included) but the bombing of civilian areas comprising ~50% children does not? One is the act of preventing an ethnic group from breeding, the second is much the same just delayed a number of years after conception. You can't breed if the state sterilized you, and you can't breed if your children don't make it past childhood because the state killed them. This is only made worse by the fact that bombing children is far more violent than forced sterilizations.

    Does the large scale "program" as you put it, to force Palestinians from their homes not factor into this? What about Israel shutting off water and food for millions of people?

    Russia vs Ukraine is a top-down high-level program to kidnap children, burn Ukrainian books, deny Ukrainian culture, and explicitly filter Ukrainian identity and disperse it.

    The scale is not the same here at least in part due to the difference in size between Ukraine and Palestine. But the similarity is clear.

  • If a perpetrator hides their intentions but otherwise still does the acts that count as genocide, is it no longer a genocide because the goal is not stated to be genocide? Does the same also apply for ethnic cleansing?

  • Sure, but it wouldn't be the first thing. When humans became seafaring the same diffusion of mates happened. It was then exacerbated by the invention of the train. And then even further with airplanes. And in the digital age people meet each other online despite living thousands of miles away.

    Becoming space faring would also exacerbate the issue, but it wouldn't be the start.

  • The franchise owners are still extracting wealth from the restaurant owners. That 1.2 billion came from somewhere, it didn't just poof into existence. That's 1.2 billion that should have gone to the workers instead of the rich shareholders who own the company. As a whole, as an entire organization they are greedy fucks and it shows.

  • Presumably they would have solved this issue before becoming space fairing/having Orions available. If so, I'd imagine they'd be most likely to stick with their original solution out of tradition and simplicity.

  • This fundamentally and thoroughly explains what this Christmas has been like for me. Trying to move from one room to another has been a constant battle of stepping over things and pushing past clutter.

    Sleeping on the couch of dog fur hasn't been pleasant.

    And the cherry on top has been my girlfriend having to go home because of her dog allergies. Hopefully next year will be better.