Nighed @ Nighed Posts 86Comments 943Joined 2 yr. ago

There are add-ons that let you play as a decent DPS with an Xbox controller on PC. It's not beyond possibility.
I find the ones on roundabouts near me insulting, instead of being on the road and having right of way, you now have to sprint across two lanes of traffic without any right of way. - more dangerous!
Most of the rest are just wide pavements. Technically segregated, but you have to give way on every side road (when your not manoeuvrering around entire families) - technically safer, but not nice to use.
The rest are just short and spit you back out onto the road without and protection or markings.
London has some good ones though.
It may be that other companies can compete using ARM/RISC architectures. The only reason the current duopoly exists is the cross licensing between x64 and x86, now that apple has proved ARM can be competitive we will see what happens there!
Most bike lanes are worse than riding on a road unfortunately. Especially for confidant cyclists.
I equally hate those that break/bend the rules of the road, whether on bikes or in vehicles.
If they were removing sites people would bash them too, there is no way they can win.
Adding commuter numbers would be good too. There are other non tourist people in cities too.
On the one more lane thing, going from 1 lane each way to two is a massive improvement as it allows overtaking.
Agree otherwise.
If they took it right through the hills and brought out out by Winterbourne Stoke then it would be much better I think?
Most of the traffic is through traffic anyway. Bringing it up by Long Barrow Roundabout (it's in the name!) was crazy.
I mean, it's a bottleneck heading back towards London too, between the barrow roundabout and Stonehenge is often a mess in both directions. Mostly due to people looking at Stonehenge instead of the road.
It's less about improving the trains and more about making them cheaper! (Not that I would complain about some new lines either!)
I mean it would speed things up, I think the plan involved a bypass for the village next to it too?
I didn't agree with the location of the tunnel though, so kinda happy it got canned.
I would say that they should still be at moderators discretion.
Keep it art focused with good articles. Remove ones that don't bring much for the reader.
Depends if you trust it to actually work.
I find you always need a target in life (or a few to juggle)
Pick something to improve about yourself.
Or pick up a new hobby.
Or pick up a new sport and try to get fitter
I don't know if your doing single speed for cost or just because - but look into a belt drivetrain if your doing it just to be different!
I sometimes wish that studios would sell their cancelled games to smaller studios that could, if they got it cheap touch it up and release them in some form.
Loads of effort is being wasted for no gain
Could you not have just bought a lower power chip then?
Or does that loose you cores?