Neato @ Neato Posts 1Comments 2,147Joined 2 yr. ago

Why would anyone accept this if they are trying to not seem like a fascist? I thought modi was trying to appear normal.
Except in this case it's accurate? It's calling out Russia's lack of appropriate casus belli.
Holy shit. That seems like Death Valley temps.
Trump said on a news conference before the election, “Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens.”
Russia released DNC emails the next day.
Russia is an enemy of America and democracy and is and has been actively trying to overthrow our country via info and cyber warfare.
He said he wanted to be a Dictator on Day 1. How many dictators have you ever heard of that gave up power? The American Experiment (executive leaders peacefully giving up power) was such a unique thing because it's so unheard of. Also fitting that Trump ended that tradition on Jan 06.
If Trump or any Republican gets elected again, expect the end of our democracy and the start of the fascist dictatorship. I wish I could convey how absolutely literal I'm being.
Here you go. It's gross!
A dead president, or an absent office is better than allowing Republicans to overthrow the country.
Well yeah. You gotta keep all the explosions to a single room.
It reminds me, or vice versa, of the Culture series. It's a universe that's so post scarcity it makes Star Trek look a bit mercantile.
One of the most coveted and sought after things in The Culture are jobs. Because AI Minds do pretty much all the necessary labor, only jobs that organic brains and bodies are required for still exist and they are seen as prestigious. Everyone has everything they could desire and the only thing left to work for is purpose.
We've had "the hottest year on record" for about a decade and there's no indication it'll slow down. =/
Why would you hold self-driving cars to a standard that we don't hold drivers? If you are a driver and realize you are about to harm a pedestrian, there is no circumstance when the law suggests you ram a car into a building or pole instead of the pedestrian. Your insurance would rather you hit the pedestrian, usually. Because in an animal strike, hitting the animal is comprehensive (in America) and swerving to hit a fence is collision. You can't be at fault for comprehensive. A pedestrian is a different mater and not comprehensive, but they'd rather you mitigate liability, and then mitigate cost. And there's a chance the pedestrian was at fault, at least partially. The building/pole can't be.
But all of this is a moot point. Self-driving cars will NEVER be programmed to harm the driver before an outside person. Simply for the fact no one will ever buy or ride in a car that chooses to kill the passenger over others. No one will ride in the Suicide Car.
, but Germany after the war just said no we are not fucking around if you are against democracy then you go to prison.
Did they? I thought Germany just made it illegal to display and promote Nazism. They still have far-right parties, don't they?
Caveman absolutely proud of you. Hunter-gatherer lifestyle was closer to how most animals live: most of their lives are spent resting. Periods of hunting take up a lot of energy and most animals spend most of the waking hours conserving energy. Humans weren't that much of an exception.
A descendant who rests the majority of their lives is living the dream. Especially when pretty much all prehistory threats are eliminated: predators, neighboring tribes killing you (for most of us anyways...), starvation, prevalent disease, infant mortality, extreme seasons, etc.
Contrast that to the founding father's age in America: those rich assholes hated and feared the working class. They had incredible animosity directed at any non-owner class people. They even created a nation and had the gall to say "every man is created equal" and then most states denied voting rights to non-landowners, non-men, non-white people, and often based on age and religion. It could be as low when the Constitution was ratified as 20-25%. So it's safe to say the white-haired ancestor would find the average person's lack of hard work and life of some leisure a good thing, in general those asshats were closer to modern billionaires.
I'm still baffled how the creators of that site haven't been arrested. It's clearly conspiracy to commit treason or insurrection and they've taken steps to commit the crime.
Yes absolutely. There's a huge segment of the population that doesn't want a fascist dictator but wants to be convinced Trump is having to sidestep fringe groups that are fascist. These people want to buy into the fear culture and want their feeling of privilege restored (see: persecute minorities), but don't want to appear fascist so they don't lose their social connections like friends and family ever talking to them again.
But if Trump is elected they will shrug their shoulders while the rest of the country alternatingly rejoices and cries out in despair.
Fence-sitters, centrists, and others not publicly decrying Trump are just embarrassed Trump supporters.
Based on Realm of Fear, you are conscious throughout the whole transport, and it shows that you maintain your existence.
Is that the only episode where that is mentioned? Because there have been a lot of transporter accidents that copy, clone+alter, combine, etc, transporter victims.
At that time the galaxy was home to over one hundred quintillion (100,000,000,000,000,000,000) sapient beings.
That...seems like too many. Earth will probably cap around 10B people. That's 10B planets with Earth-like populations. A search says Coruscant has 1T people on it, so that'd be 100M Coruscants. But I have to assume Coruscant is on the outer edge of population densities. Most would probably be lightly colonized like most of the world we see in the movies.
But then Star Wars is well known for just being waay out there will numbers and not being even close to realistic. :p
Which is a good thing because Imperial HR doesn't mess around.