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  • I'm seeing this too, it's hard to tell if it's a Sync issue or defederated instances (Beehaw users?)

  • Matrix clients for decentralized messaging
  • Even if the messages are end to end encrypted I wouldn't trust a third party with that data (unless it was a company that does it for a living.)

    I'd probably recommend running your own instance, I imagine for that few users it would be pretty cheap. Though maintenance is probably the biggest issue there.

    Or just use a third party Matrix server but send client info over email using GPG keys. That would cost you nothing.

  • which linux distro do you NOT like, and why?
  • I'm not sure if I have bad luck but every time I've tried Ubuntu I've had stability issues. Constant crashes and things I've never run into in other distros.

    It makes it hard for me to recommend it to new users.

  • Does anyone actually like the default GNOME workflow?
  • I love Gnome. But I have a pretty simple workflow where I don't use many applications. Generally I have a browser and terminal open and that's it.

    I do all my window management inside of Tmux, which is effectively my actual window manager.

    I've tried KDE in the past but I've never liked how it feels like a stepping stone for the Windows interface -- not a huge fan of pullout menus. I've been using Linux exclusively for almost twenty years so I don't have any love for that UX.

    I used to use a lot of simple/tiling window managers when I was younger and more patient, Gnome feels similar to those in how it has very few bells and whistles to get in your way.

    If only maintaining extensions was easier, it feels like every major release breaks every extension for something stupid like renaming a constant. The Gnome team seems to put very little consideration into making the JS extension API stable.

  • Does anyone actually like the default GNOME workflow?
  • I love Gnome. But I have a pretty simple workflow where I don't use many applications. Generally I have a browser and terminal open and that's it.

    I do all my window management inside of Tmux, which is effectively my actual window manager.

    I've tried KDE in the past but I've never liked how it feels like a stepping stone for the Windows interface -- not a huge fan of pullout menus. I've been using Linux exclusively for almost twenty years so I don't have any love for that UX.

    I used to use a lot of simple/tiling window managers when I was younger and more patient, Gnome feels similar to those in how it has very few bells and whistles to get in your way.

    If only maintaining extensions was easier, it feels like every major release breaks every extension for something stupid like renaming a constant. The Gnome team seems to put very little consideration into making the JS extension API stable.

  • Twitter: Promotion of alternative social media platforms is now a violation of the TOS.
  • Didn't that end up being illegal for them to do or something so they had to go back on the rule?

    Edit: I only realize now that I am responding to a 7 month old thread that was at the top of 'Hot'. Lemmy's algorithm is confusing.

  • TikTok Ban on Australian Government-Issued Phones Should Also Apply to Other Social Media Apps, experts say
  • I'm not sure why government employees can even use their work phones to install personal applications. Isn't the whole point of a work phone using it for work?

    I imagine that a bunch of these employees are just not buying a personal device and using their work provided ones as their main device (I see the same in the corporate world as well.)

  • - A short compilation on the impact KiwiFarms has had on real people around the world
  • #DropKiwifarms works to end the relationship between far-right hate forum Kiwi Farms and the digital service providers that keep Kiwi Farms active online

    Is KF even far right? I was always under the impression it was just an extension of 4chan focused on gossip about minor e-celebrities.

    Not that I support Kiwi Farms, but I just find applying the "far right" label to everything offensive kind of loaded at this point.

  • Steam Deck hits over 10,000 verified and playable games
  • While this is true, ProtonDB has even better numbers than Valve so it's still a win for the topic.

  • current lemmy status
  • It's a toggle in your user settings.

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