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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 mo. ago

  • “On my last week [working on Discovery], I approved the Starfleet uniforms, which they tossed out, and rejected the Klingons, which they kept.” Notably, both the Discovery uniforms and the Klingons from that era proved to be controversial with fans

    That's the big what-if for me out of this article: what if disco had klingons that didn't become radioactive to so much of the audience?

    The whole klingon war felt like it happened in a single episode or two and I wonder how much of that was them concluding they made an ugly-sonic and tossing it.

    Maybe we would have seen more Ash Tyler and less Book, who knows 🤷‍♀️

  • Imagine you could sell $39.99 shovelware to almost every single kid that watches Jimmy Neutron, because you're gonna drown that show in ads for it.

    The child then grinds down the parents' resolve and the money is eventually spent.

    I totally didn't witness this first hand when sculpting feces into nickelodeon-shaped games.

  • I personally would love to see the fall of capitalism in my lifetime and the rise of “The Star Trek Economics” which IMO is a fantastic example of a realistic equal capitalism-free future.

    To boldly go where money has no power over biology 💪

  • For context, I have fond memories of dog fighting in this game a long time ago.

    Seeing the patch noted posted here makes me reminisce, and mashing the spacebar was an unforgettable part of the experience.

    Turning off life support in every engagement for a minor efficiency boost always made me feel like a Mirror Universe captain 😎

  • He pulls back an entire fleet after Worf quotes Kaylee’s Kahless to him, which I felt demonstrated how Gowron deep down values honor.

    After that though he decides to give Martok the Flavius Aetius treatment, despite how slimy it is.

    Edit: kahless

    Edit 2: forgot to agree with you! Ultimately he’s very cartoonish because he goes so hard with his lines and stares. Especially when he threatens to paint the future with blood if the council supports Duras’ heir.

  • The original ending was a very “that’s it?” moment.

    The actually added a new game-over condition, by allowing you to just shoot the annoying reaper child, to quell the frustrations people felt.

    Even in the remaster is still feels like a choice between red, blue, or green color endings.

    RIP Marauder Shields, the true final boss of ME3 🙏