Khrux @ Khrux Posts 0Comments 468Joined 2 yr. ago
I loathe their lootbox system but I'd say valve is better than their rivals in most places. I'd put them far above Epic, Playstation, and Xbox for their games marketplace, far above meta in the VR space and on par with the game developers I respect in basically every aspect except lootboxes.
I don't think we should respect, like or trust any large businesses but Valve is certainly the lesser evil of many choices.
I agree that no games are uncrackable in theory, but to my understanding (from about two years to two months ago at least), there were only two people able to crack new denuvo games due to how intensely complex the task is. One of those people only cracks football games and the other is EMPRESS, who from what I've seen glancing into the scene, is one crazy lady.
Although modern denuvo may technically be crackable, but while it's so difficult that only a handful of people have the skill to do it and takes hundreds of hours of work per game, for all intents and purposes, it may as well be uncrackable.
The game I always think of checking out is Assassin's Creed Mirage, just to find it hasn't been cracked.
I know assassin's creed is a bit of a crap franchise but I have a love / hate relationship with the game and think mirage looks made for me. Every few months since release I've looked up it's crack status and not just has it not been cracked but generally the comments around it are that it's from the new era of uncrackable games.
I don't play many AAA games but I'm forever gutted that the fight to make them able to be pirated is a losing battle. I want to pay for my indie games but on occasion I look online at the crack status of AAA games from oecen 2-3 years ago and they're still not playable.
It creates a weird dichotomy where people who pirate or at least don't buy expensive games don't take part in the mainstream gaming conversation at all, which is totally different from the rest of pirated media.
I'm just really hoping that whatever they intend to use AI for isn't art. Ideally there is enough backlash to this that they backpedal again for a year or so, but failing that, I do not want to see it touch the art at all.
In my opinion, WotC is an art company. I don't really see anything better in 2024 D&D 5e to what is expected in Tales of the Valiant 5e or is in Level up Advanced 5e, or for that matter, any RPG really. The only thing they excel on is the money behind them to have an entirely different relationship with artists. And that's not mentioning Magic the Gathering which needs the art even more.
There aren't that many avenues for AI in D&D. You can't really replace the game design due to the fact that AI can't really problem solve or innovate. It's already likely used internally by the finance departments etc, hell it's built into Microsoft programs, it course it is used. It can't really be sued to make the writing more efficient because the writing of a D&D book is sacred, you can't change the word prone to lying down for readability for example.
So it's likely coming for art or WotC are returning to the idea of AI DMs, which is silly and I have no interest in, and I can't imagine it being anything but a totally adjacent product to D&D.
I can't wait to see what evil and terrible way I'm proved wrong.
I thought the same. I assumed it was just people censoring themselves when they wanted to say son of a bitch in front a child, or anyone else who it's taboo to swear in front of.
There's a book called Tabletop Role-playing Therapy: A Guide for the Clinician Game Master by Dr Megan A. Connel that's a really standout resource about this, she appeared on the official D&D podcast a year or so ago talking about it.
I'd say that this is more a resource for therapists to use TTRPGs than it is for DMs to act as therapists for their players. There's a fine line between accommodating your players' preferences and needs and providing unwanted therapy; if you want to actually put any therapy techniques into your game, ask your players approval first.
A good way to tell the difference between a bee and a wasp is hair. Bees are fluffy like a cute little dog. Wasps are hairless and cruel like my father, who I become more like every time I look in the mirror.
This gave me flashbacks to being on Reddit with the cult of Keanu Reeves. I respect the man but if he's shown too much love puts him in a situation where anything he does will be scrutinised.
The world has been giving them nothing but praise for like 5-6 years now, I think that's all.
I'm less worried about the idea that people are charged groceries based on income and more worried based on need.
Will the person who buys cigarettes twice a day pay more than the person who pays once a fortnight because it's clear that they require it more? Will the shopper of the family of 6 pay extra because they don't have the time or energy to drive to the next place that offers groceries without this system?
Introducing this based on income seems like a sugarcoating of something far more insidious.
I moved to Bristol, UK around 3 years ago and joined here around 1 year ago. I've never been able to tell if the world has just become more pro anarchism / communism or if both Lemmy and Bristol are so strongly intertwined with those mindsets. I'm always amazed by the intense parallels between here and Bristol that I'd never seen between the internet and a physical place before.
I don't want to throw the word enshitiffication around, especially when I'm not sure if I can spell it, but the platforms that people jump ship to when that happens are probably especially vulnerable to people jumping ship again.
I can't imagine Mozilla effectively marketing Firefox as anything but the bullshit free browser, and when they lose that, people will just move to the next actual bullshit free option.
This film won't happen. Skibidi toilet had 15 mins of fame for generation alpha and only had legs from older generations not understanding it because it's toilet humour and absurd.
The kids already don't care about it. If the Minecraft movie went through development hell for 10 years, this movie is not getting made when they realise the kids already don't give a shit.
Yeah the fact it's called a small moon is slightly deceptive to us because our moon is absolutely huge as far as moons go. The natives of the SW universe would be used to much much smaller moons.
For reference, our moon is 3475km across and the death star is 150km across, so it's diameter is 23 smaller. It's also weighed at about 900million tonnes or 9*10^14kg.
If I'm right (which I'm likely not). g=(GM)/r² or g=(6.66710^-119*10^13)/75².
That's a gravity of 1.086x10^-5m/s² or if I round with pure disrespect for physics, 100,000 times weaker than earth's gravity. Essentially it's totally negligible compared to their artificial gravity. Hell, I don't even think a marble on the floor would overcome it's own grip and roll towards the center of the space station.
My maths is almost certainly wrong somewhere here, I failed it badly.
This is also probably off topic because I can't load the YouTube video.
I was talking about the second Dune film a little while back and saying how much I enjoy a well realised world that doesn't try to convey itself by comparing itself to ours. I get the same feeling watching Dune and Lord of the Rings as I do when I watch a film from a culture I'm not familiar with; a sense of needing to adjust to their way of storytelling.
Pairing this with what you mention which is basically extra subtle show don't tell, and you end up with something I absolutely adore, which is a story in a fully realised culture I know nothing about, that understands that the bare minimum amount of that culture I need to understand to fully enjoy the story can be the best amount to have.
I was going to say how rare this is but thinking about it, it actually isn't. Tolkien's cosmology is fully realised and vast yet I learnt basically no fluff about the world that wasn't necessary to the story. Sometimes I just had to make peace with the fact that I didn't understand the cultural context, I could only measure it's importance in the attitude of the characters.
That's the shit I love.
What are some unwritten rules of the Fediverse? I came from reddit so its a bit different for me.
I was going to say that although Reddit had a reasonably coherent hive mind, Lemmy is far more similar to eachother in our points of view.
But maybe that's made more extreme because I've blocked so many voices that I don't agree with, just because I'm not looking to spend my free time debating anymore.