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Man dies of heart failure after museum refuses to share defibrillator
  • As a medical professional™️ I just want to point out that not all cardiac arrest can be fixed with a defibrillator. It’s only a few and very specific arrhythmias that a defibrillator can help with. It’s not like in the movies where they just shock people back to life. I don’t know what was wrong with this person’s heart, but there are legal requirements for who can and can’t have access to defibrillators, and chances are they would have died even with access to the machine.

    Edit: I cracked the paywall and read the article. The guy had Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Defibrillator wouldn’t have done jack shit. This is why untrained civilian randos shouldn’t just be shocking people willy nilly.

  • A special place in hell for these clowns
  • [redacted]

    The real holocaust survivors who raised me taught me to be disgusted with genocide. Full stop.

  • Serious question: Do you believe magic is real? Or the supernatural in general?
  • Chaos magic, which works by the same principle as the placebo effect, is pretty cool.

  • For fuck's sake
  • Frittata

  • Removed
    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • You need to dumb it down a bit if you want me to understand

    You can’t set me up like that, I’m tapping out. Someone else explain basic human decency to this person, plz.

  • Removed
    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • I’ve asked what the pearl clutching itself accomplishes.

  • Removed
    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • Have you asked the same question about your disingenuous hand wringing? 🤔

  • Removed
    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • Is pineapple good on pizza? <— a debate

    Are human rights guaranteed to all humans? <— a fucking ghoulish question that you deserve to be mocked for “debating”

  • Removed
    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • B-but I just want to have a civil debate about why genocide is ok, why won’t anyone be nice to me? Wyahhhhh, such toxicity! People are so small minded if they can’t accept ethnic cleansing :(

  • Removed
    Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod
  • It’s because you’re so speshul. I actually have your picture on my wall.

  • Is Sugar really as addictive as Cocaine/drugs in general?
  • Sugar addiction is not the same as a drug that causes physiologic dependence, like cocaine or opiates.


    You can become addicted to sugar, or anything that makes you feel good, because you’re basically hacking into the cocaine repository that’s already in your brain. Anything that triggers a hit of dopamine and/or noradrenaline - gambling, shopping, sex, food, weed - can cause addictive behavior, but you’re essentially addicted to your own neurotransmitters and not the thing itself.

  • Want to do a 3x3 thread?
  • I had honestly forgotten about EverQuest. That sexy blonde elf minx takes me back.

  • Rapper Immortal Technique speaks at the NYC protest against the bombing of Gaza
  • I was agreeing with you lol idk why the first user is calling him cringe when his lyrics are 🔥

  • Rapper Immortal Technique speaks at the NYC protest against the bombing of Gaza
  • I was agreeing with you lol idk why the first user is calling him cringe when his lyrics are 🔥

  • Bojack, Wojack
  • I mean, yeah. I don’t think it’s the correct take, I just think it’s funny that even Bojack has a more nuanced view than anything the NYT has said in recent memory.

  • Bojack, Wojack

    An alcoholic horse > the entire editorial staff of the New York Times

    Rapper Immortal Technique speaks at the NYC protest against the bombing of Gaza
  • In a third-world fascist state, lock the nation With 90% of the wealth in 10% of the population The Central Intelligence Agency takes weight faithfully The finest type of China white and cocaine you'll see Honey I'm home, nevermind why our bank account's suddenly grown It's funny, we're so out of this debt from this money we owe Woulda ya mind if I told you I had two governments overthrown To keep our son enrolled in a private school, and to keep ya tummy swollen C'mon, our fuckin' home was built on the foundation of bloody throats The hungry stolen of they souls, of course this country's runnin' coke I took a stunted oath to hush the one's who know But CIA conducts the flow of these young hustlers who lust for dough


  • When it's time to wrap up the session.
  • This comic is the last part of an ongoing story


  • Dare me to put this on my car?

    I had the idea and made this in Cricut access, should I actually make it make it?

    I dunno if this is the correct comm but I’m sure someone will tell me if not

    tumblr zionist has no spoons left for the palestinian cause
  • When your illness starts being more performance than illness it’s time to take a step back and ask if you’re performing for yourself or for someone else. And why.

  • tumblr zionist has no spoons left for the palestinian cause
  • You are mistaken about the origin of the term. Vigilantes are gross, but malingerers also do real, tangible harm to people who have to contend with the medical system and the term “spoonie” is certainly overused by a certain kind of bad faith actor in the CI community.