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2 yr. ago

  • The industry as a whole, and technological development in TV like streaming

  • There is a canvas that's left up 24/7. I think it's Pxls or something.

  • Looks honorous. Happy to help.

  • It was great fun helping out. So exicted for the next one.

  • yay! Qa'pla! (the yay is klingon for victory, not the english "yay")

  • Looks finished. Don't think we need any last minute changes,

  • Good luck. Thing ends at 1100 CEST.

  • I'm building a crimson forcefield around the Constitution-class (Euclid).

  • I'm considering making a "Gorkon" wordmark.

    Edit: Not enough space.

    Edit: Enough space! Done!

  • Good name. Sure. U.S.S. Euclid, NCC-1686 (Alex the Great + Euclid's (330 max predicted) birth years and 1 added to front)

  • I'm adding a shuttlecraft to the Constitution-class. Should we name the vessel (the Constitution-class)?

    Edit: The shuttle is more like a Captain's Yacht in size...

  • I loved the episode. Some people hate it and say it's way out of tune for Star Trek, but I don't think it's any worse than the crew turning into Robin Hood or being trapped in a board game

  • I have not, although I'll look into that.

  • I've tooken up the mantle of a Klingon emblem, to the bottom left of our Delta.

  • That is honorable. I applaud you.

  • How about.... an offer of peace? I have wreaked havoc on some of your things, and my Worf sign is largely repaired. How about you build from the one I built you below and I help rebuild your army, plus help build more?

  • Whoever aided my, you are an honorable warrior. Thank you for your gracious help.

  • Your challenge will be met with honor, dishonorable petaQ! Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!