The industry as a whole, and technological development in TV like streaming
Worse than Sub Rosa or Threshold?
There is a canvas that's left up 24/7. I think it's Pxls or something.
Looks honorous. Happy to help.
[2023] Thanks for joining!
It was great fun helping out. So exicted for the next one.
[2023] Thanks for joining!
yay! Qa'pla! (the yay is klingon for victory, not the english "yay")
Looks finished. Don't think we need any last minute changes,
Good luck. Thing ends at 1100 CEST.
I'm building a crimson forcefield around the Constitution-class (Euclid).
I'm considering making a "Gorkon" wordmark.
Edit: Not enough space.
Edit: Enough space! Done!
Good name. Sure. U.S.S. Euclid, NCC-1686 (Alex the Great + Euclid's (330 max predicted) birth years and 1 added to front)
I'm adding a shuttlecraft to the Constitution-class. Should we name the vessel (the Constitution-class)?
Edit: The shuttle is more like a Captain's Yacht in size...
I loved the episode. Some people hate it and say it's way out of tune for Star Trek, but I don't think it's any worse than the crew turning into Robin Hood or being trapped in a board game
I have not, although I'll look into that.
I've tooken up the mantle of a Klingon emblem, to the bottom left of our Delta.
That is honorable. I applaud you.
How about.... an offer of peace? I have wreaked havoc on some of your things, and my Worf sign is largely repaired. How about you build from the one I built you below and I help rebuild your army, plus help build more?
Whoever aided my, you are an honorable warrior. Thank you for your gracious help.
Your challenge will be met with honor, dishonorable petaQ! Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!