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9 mo. ago

  • Go tell the grieving relatives of killed Ukraine soldiers that you wanted them to die because you're their friend.

    What a weird thing to say

  • Lol how does that move start world war three?

    who's invading again?

  • There will be America absolutely but the culture is shifting we all let the rich win

  • I would 100% agree on that but something that has kept me apathetic throughout the whole entire shebang was the guy who saw the squeeze when the stock was worth $7 bucks double downed after the squeeze which means he was confident in his analysis that it would be worth more.

    Currently the stock would be worth like $80 right now presplit. I threw my first trump covid check into that and a few other stocks and that one has just sat. I'm still in the green now and I do think one day it could go critical again but not because of Cohen.

  • Okay but if you literally only listen to video game soundtracks at least try a little

  • Because we jerked off about killing the Nazis for like a century and were fat lazy fucks in our ivory towers. Obviously we're ignorant shitty morons we have no real experience and think we do.

    America's reckoning was written on the walls and anyone with a brain has seen it just a matter of who would push that button and this president just might

  • How? He made it clear you won't have to vote anymore.

  • Ameri-won'ts

    Sorry gang I don't have faith in us

  • I believe firmly once the Flat earthers start to lose traction so will the Qanon and all the other dumb "conspiracy theories" then we can get back to the good stuff, bigfoot, aliens, loch Ness monster

  • which as an american will hurt me but I think it'll give space for other fledgling democracies to fill the role and probably give space to ween off of fossil fuels

  • It won't work. it'll hurt us all very badly but what they wanna achieve won't happen humans just don't work that way

  • I never understood this game got bored so fast

  • Not here in PA lmfao regret is thick and delicious