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What's going nyan?
  • Playing with little mouse shaped toys filled with cat nip didn't used to feel good. It does now. What is going nyan?

  • What's going nyan?
  • Turning into a cat boy? Sounds crazy, but that's exactly what's happening. What is going nyan? I used to drink out of a glass. Not any more. Now I drink out of a little bowl on the floor. What is going nyan?

  • Do you guys think that nowadays it is feasable to have children under capitalism?
  • It's not like a fun story with nice conclusions or anything, but basically every parent and sibling I have had a shitty life, either abused or poor or in a loveless relationship with children, and was so desperate to get out of their life situation that they ran off and married pretty much the first person that would let them pack up and move in with them. For the most part this hasn't gone well for any of them though and they're far worse off than they were before, but now with several children each that they didn't consider whether they actually wanted or if they could afford to have with people they never considered if they actually loved, and eventually broke up with them (or are stayed with them in misery for the sake of the kids) leaving their kids with confused mix-matches of parents and stepparents, where stepkids don't get treated as well as the other ones and children that are technically my brothers and sisters having to call me uncle because who the fuck knows or cares to keep up with it any more. A dozen or more new lives that are just going to grow up without the financial or emotional support they need because their parents are still mentally children themselves and fuck knows society won't pity them. It'd be a god damn miracle if a single one of them makes something for themselves, they will have to fight an uphill battle at every corner just to grow up mentally, physically, and emotionally stunted and likely fall into the same problem of marrying the first person that gives them hope of getting out of their abject misery and wind up perpetuating the cycle with more children they can't afford and don't know how to raise.

  • Do you guys think that nowadays it is feasable to have children under capitalism?
  • The absolute confused horror show that is my immediate family and their several children they had with the first person they met has made me want to be celibate for the rest of my life.

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I remember being the only person in my class that thought bombing civilians in Japan wasn't justified. It was like that was a bizarre opinion to have, I got looked at as if I said the sky was green and grass was blue.

  • I'm concerned with the rising tide of tankie propaganda from and I'm probably going to die someday when I mistake chemicals under the sink for juice.
  • I mean drinking Baja Blast probably isn't any better or worse for you than a little bit of antifreeze as a treat.

  • Head empty. No apple.
  • Well the practical application of this lack of skill is when I'm trying to buy a dildo online and underestimate the size because I'm not good at imagining how much 3 inches in diameter is.

  • Head empty. No apple.
  • I can play entire movies I've made up in my head but even though I know how long an inch is if I try to imagine what an inch by inch cube would look like in my hand my brain goes fuzzy.

  • Why so many South Korean women are refusing to date, marry or have kids
  • Is there any way to know what's going on in the DPRK regarding these issues?

  • I went to a centrist rally and they were chanting in unison "Better things aren't possible!"
  • So all the people that were barking that we could push Biden to the left are now advocating for pushing Biden even further to the right.

  • Lol
  • How do you make these? Is it some kind of AI thing?

  • AGAIN?!
  • I wonder if this meme will be retired when Kissinger finally dies or if we'll find a new person.

  • Is it pathetic to be a 28 year old male virgin?
  • No, but I wish you wouldn't just call me out like this. 😠

  • New Kelly "Unsound System"
  • Guy Fidelity. It's guys only.

  • No shit Sherlock
  • New kind of guy that uses the word obligate as a slur for cats.

  • I would have liked to have seen Big Oil not labelled on a worker, but rather a boss or capitalist-pig looking person. But I will arm the bears.

  • Removed
    Imagine your job was writing stuff like whatever the hell this is
  • Not surprised that you tankies aren't capable of getting the simplinacity of Dr Geoff's post. You see, the lack of civilisisitude imbuant on sites like Hexbearazhi has created a cleavinizarion wherein the wokerati veganacity clashes with the anti-civil sluramility inhertinified on both sides of the left, thus liberalisimo is once again proven the victor for its verasitude in always voting blue no matter who.

  • NSFW
    Would you fuck a clown?
  • I'm more of an average mime enjoyer.

  • complaining that hexbear users comment
  • Shots fired! 💥🔫 This. 👆 Well played. 🙇 Have some gold kind gentleowl. 🥇