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Supreme Court makes it harder to charge Capitol riot defendants with obstruction, charge Trump faces
  • I'm surprised Barrett was 1 of the 3 in the dissent.

  • The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites
  • Looks like someone tried to archive an archived page. You can see is listed twice in the url. I just trimmed off the first one then it works:

  • Chillin’ like a villain
  • Oh. My. Gawd. All it needs is some pickle juice and Sriracha sauce.

  • We are a failed species
  • I've never made one with Sunny D, but a screwdriver is pretty tasty.

  • Hundreds of Coffee Products Recalled Nationwide for Potential Botulism
  • It's common for blogs and some news outlets to include an image with each article. It may or may not be relevant.

    I had searched for a couple of the roasters and they either de-listed the products or pulled the page from their website.

    Anyway the FDA recall talks about canning low acid foods, and how the manufacturer hadn't filed the proper paperwork on their process.

  • Hundreds of Coffee Products Recalled Nationwide for Potential Botulism
  • True, but you're not going to pop the top on one of those then start sipping.

  • Hundreds of Coffee Products Recalled Nationwide for Potential Botulism
  • Maybe in the sense that Coke and Pepsi are the same product. From reading their website it looks like they partner with different roasters to make canned cold brew.

  • Hundreds of Coffee Products Recalled Nationwide for Potential Botulism
  • It's coffee that's been brewed then canned in a soda can. Your whole bean and pre-ground coffee that comes in a bag is fine.

  • The Offspring - This Is Not Utopia
    Dev of cancelled Life By You game shares some information, including just two weeks notice of cancellation after being given the thumbs-up a few weeks prior
  • Embracer treats studios like they are disposable. They killed Volition (Saint's Row), Free Radical (TimeSpltters) plus a bunch of other studios. All of that was because their $2 billion deal with the Saudi Government fell through. Some studios managed to escape when one of the Saber Interactive original owners bought back a bunch of studios. They recently killed Pieces Interactive (Alone in the Dark).

    If a studio is owned by Embracer, they are lucky if they will be around in 5 years.

  • Removed
    We Remember Noam Chomsky, the Intellectual and Moral Giant
  • They changed the headline to "Let’s Celebrate Noam Chomsky". The New Statesman article also was pulled.

    The only recent information I can find is he was recovering from a bad stroke last year, and his wife moved him to Brazil.

  • What does it mean if I keep getting rashes/pimples, but only on one finger?
  • Yeah, that was my second prescription. The first one was clobetasol propionate which you are only supposed to use two weeks on, two weeks off. It didn't work very well.

    Edit: for over the counter I use Eucerin eczema relief. I also have a jar of CeraVe, but I haven't used that in a while. I only have to use them occasionally.

  • What does it mean if I keep getting rashes/pimples, but only on one finger?
  • Go see a dermatologist.

    A few years ago I would get patches on the back of my hand that would itch and have tiny blisters. They were persistent and over the counter ointments weren't helping. Finally went to a dermatologist when they got unbearable. The first one I went to prescribed an ointment that sorta worked, but not that great. Ended up going to a second dermatologist when I found out the first one was an anti-vaxxer.

    The second one was on top of his game. He straight up said the first ointment wasn't a good one to use and prescribed something much better. It knocked out the spots and itchiness after a week or two. I've had a couple of minor flair ups since, but the ointment eliminates it pretty quick. Haven't had any problems for at least a year.

    If you can, go see a dermatologist.

  • Featured
    [META] Political News
  • It's in the dictionary. There's even a wikipedia page on it.

  • Is there a good "random acts of kindness" community in the fediverse?
  • At that time Lemmy didn't support instance blocking at the user level. After the devs released that update it still took time for world to upgrade. Updates were coming out every couple of weeks and world likes to wait for about 6 weeks of stability on a release.

  • Is there a good "random acts of kindness" community in the fediverse?
  • Lemmy World announced the block about 10 months ago:

    The larger instances usually setup a community just for announcements. For world it's !

  • State GOP tells people to "burn all Pride flags" during June
  • They did encourage people to burn pride flags. Just sayin' it is a "pride" flag.

  • Best Audio Format for Storage?
  • That depends. Are you looking at preserving the music without loss of information? Then you need to use a lossless format like flac. Formats like aac, mp3, opus can throw away information you're less likely to hear to achieve better compression ratios. Flac can't, so it needs more storage space to preserve the exact waveform.

    You can use a lossy format if you want. On most consumer level equipment, you probably won't notice a difference. However, if you start to notice artifacting in songs, you'll need to go back to the originals to re-rip and encode.

  • Talk to Jesus Ouija Board. Yes, this is a real product.
  • OMG, it's an actual Jesus themed spirit board. 🤣 The instructions are just divine:

    How to use the Holy Spirit Board

    The Holy Spirit Board is the only board that you and your friends can use to communicate directly with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ either in a group or by yourself!

    1. Place the game board on a table or other sturdy, flat surface.

    2. Place the Magic Cross on the board.

    3. Have everyone lay thine hands upon the Magic Cross, and say the following prayer:

    "Oh Magical Jesus, please guide our hands to answer our questions, Amen!"

    4. Next, ask Jesus a question. It can be any question you want! Jesus knows everything!

    5. Let the Holy Spirit guide your hands to move the Magic Cross around the board. You can ask a "yes or no" question, or, let the Magic Cross spell out your answer one letter at a time!

    When Jesus has answered all your questions, don't forget to say goodbye!

    And remember: anyone who says the Holy Spirit Board doesn't work is both a liar and a sinner in the eyes of our Lord. Amen.

    Edit: there's even a website with a video promoting it:

  • It's coming back to me
  • Do you remember lycos or ask jeeves?

  • T-Mobile's New AI "Profiling" Privacy Toggle Is On By Default T-Mobile's New AI "Profiling" Privacy Toggle Is On By Default

    A new privacy setting, enabled by default, allows T-Mobile to access concerning levels of detail about your activities and behaviors.

    T-Mobile's New AI "Profiling" Privacy Toggle Is On By Default

    T-Mobile made waves back in 2021 when they automatically set user privacy settings to on by default for sharing customer info with advertisers. It made a lot of people angry then, and a new setting that’s appeared in the same settings is once again enabled by default.

    A new toggle has shown up in the T-Mobile “Privacy Center”, and it appears to have first been spotted a month ago on Reddit. The toggle is for allowing “automated profiling” of your user data to analyze and predict how a user might behave, particularly when interacting with support.

    This article will dive into what exactly “profiling” is in this context, and how you can opt-out for your account.

    Chevron owns this city's news site. Many stories aren't told

    Open flames shot upward from four smokestacks at the Chevron refinery on the western edge of Richmond, Calif. Soon, black smoke blanketed the sky.

    News spread quickly that day last November, but by word of mouth, says Denny Khamphanthong, a 29-year-old Richmond resident. "We don't know the full story, but we know that you shouldn't breathe in the air or be outside for that matter," Khamphanthong says now. "It would be nice to have an actual news outlet that would actually go out there and figure it out themselves."

    The city's primary local news source, The Richmond Standard, didn't cover the flare. Nor had it reported on a 2021 Chevron refinery pipeline rupture that dumped nearly 800 gallons of diesel fuel into San Francisco Bay.

    Chevron is the city's largest employer, largest taxpayer and largest polluter. Yet when it comes to writing about Chevron, The Richmond Standard consistently toes the company line.

    And there's a reason for that: Chevron owns The Richmond Standard.

    What are your weird food rules?

    For example:

    • When you open a fresh jar of peanut butter do you only work through one side until it is completely empty then start on the other side?

    • Or when you get those shallow tubs of hummus does it have to make it back home undisturbed? Then one of the baggers at the grocery store shoves it sideways into the bag completely ruining the symmetry.

    Deaths reported after small plane crashes into Florida mobile home park Deaths reported after small plane crashes into Florida mobile home park

    Multiple mobile homes caught fire after the single-engine plane, whose pilot had reported engine failure, crashed in Clearwater, officials said.

    Deaths reported after small plane crashes into Florida mobile home park
    A Florida hotel cancels a Muslim conference, citing security concerns after receiving protest calls A Florida hotel cancels a Muslim conference, citing security concerns after receiving protest calls

    A South Florida Marriott Hotel canceled a Muslim group’s conference at the last minute after a protest group claimed the coalition was promoting Hamas, terrorism and antisemitism.

    A Florida hotel cancels a Muslim conference, citing security concerns after receiving protest calls

    A South Florida Marriott Hotel canceled a Muslim group’s conference at the last minute after a protest group claimed the coalition was promoting Hamas, terrorism and antisemitism.

    The South Florida Muslim Federation, a coalition of about 30 mosques and Islamic groups, said Friday that it was told by the Marriott Coral Springs Hotel and Convention Center that its conference was being canceled because of security concerns after it received 100 calls demanding it bars the group. This weekend’s second annual conference was expected to draw more than a thousand people.

    Kakli said that even before Marriott raised security concerns, his group hired Coral Springs police officers and private guards for protection. He said he told Marriott that the federation would hire more, but was rebuffed.

    Kakli denied that he or his group supports terrorism or antisemitism. He said those accusations are often made against Muslims who criticize Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and its treatment of Gaza to strip them and their arguments of legitimacy.

    11th Circuit rebukes DeSantis, orders a new trial for suspended prosecutor Warren - Florida Phoenix 11th Circuit rebukes DeSantis, orders a new trial for suspended prosecutor Warren - Florida Phoenix

    Suspended prosecutor Andrew Warren will get a second chance to reverse his suspension by Gov. Ron DeSantis for alleged “neglect of duty” and “incompetence” following a federal appeals court ruling in which a three-judge panel criticized the governor’s action. A federal judge in Tallahassee ruled in ...

    11th Circuit rebukes DeSantis, orders a new trial for suspended prosecutor Warren - Florida Phoenix

    cross-posted from:

    > “The First Amendment is an inconvenient thing. It protects expression that some find wrongheaded, or offensive, or even ridiculous,” Newsom wrote in a concurring opinion. > > “But for the same reason that the government can’t muzzle so-called ‘conservative’ speech under the guise of preventing on campus ‘harassment,’ the state can’t exercise its coercive power to censor so-called ‘woke’ speech with which it disagrees. What’s good for mine is (whether I like it or not) good for thine.” > > \[...] > > The Eleventh Circuit opinion goes into depth about the rights of elected officials like Warren to engage in political speech, even if it runs counter to what the governor thinks. > > DeSantis argued he was entitled to punish Warren because the prosecutor had acted as a government employee. The Eleventh Circuit, however, concluded it “seems suspect” to apply a U.S. Supreme Court precedent allowing such punishment for rank-and-file state workers to an elected official. > > A different U.S. Supreme Court ruling noted that elected office holders enjoy the right “to enter the field of political controversy,” Pryor continued. Also, that “[t]he role that elected officials play in our society makes it all the more imperative that they be allowed freely to express themselves.” > > “Warren’s speech occurred outside the workplace, and he never distributed the advocacy statements inside the workplace or included them in internal materials or training sessions. He employed no workplace resources and never marshaled the statements through his process for creating policies. Neither statement referenced any Florida law that would go unenforced,” the court said.

    Hobbes OS/2 Archive to shut down in three months – OSnews

    The announcement on


    After many years of service, will be decommissioned and will no longer be available. You the user are responsible for downloading any of the files found in this archive if you want them. These files will no longer be available for access or download as of the decommission date.

    As of April 15th, 2024 this site will no longer exist.

    No one will be able to access this site or any information/files stored on this site as of April 15th, 2024.

    Man who brazenly attacked judge during sentencing said he was having a bad day Man who brazenly attacked judge during sentencing said he was having a bad day

    After the attack, Deobra Redden told a marshal the “judge has it out for me” and “judge is evil,” according to a document from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

    Man who brazenly attacked judge during sentencing said he was having a bad day
    Federal officials order grounding of Boeing 737-9 Max jetliners after a plane suffers a blowout Federal officials order grounding of Boeing 737-9 Max jetliners after a plane suffers a blowout

    An Alaska Airlines flight made an emergency landing in Oregon after a window and chunk of the fuselage blew out shortly after takeoff.

    Federal officials order grounding of Boeing 737-9 Max jetliners after a plane suffers a blowout

    Federal officials on Saturday ordered the immediate grounding of Boeing 737-9 Max jetliners after an Alaska Airlines plane suffered a blowout that left a gaping hole in the side of the fuselage.


    An Alaska Airlines jetliner blew out a window and a portion of its fuselage shortly after takeoff three miles above Oregon late Friday, creating a gaping hole that forced the pilots to make an emergency landing as its 174 passengers and six crew members donned oxygen masks.

    No one was seriously hurt as the depressurized plane returned safely to Portland International Airport about 20 minutes after it had departed, but the airline grounded its 65 Boeing 737-9 Max aircraft until they can be inspected. The National Transportation Safety Board said Saturday it will also investigate.

    Death toll from western Japan earthquakes rises to 126 Death toll from western Japan earthquakes rises to 126

    Along Japan's coastline, power was gradually being restored after the earthquakes, but water supplies were still short.

    Death toll from western Japan earthquakes rises to 126

    Aftershocks threatened to bury more homes and block roads crucial for relief shipments, as the death toll from the earthquakes that rattled Japan's western coastline this past week rose to 126 on Saturday.


    Officials warned that roads, already cracked from the dozens of earthquakes that continue to shake the area, could collapse completely. That risk was growing with rain and snow expected overnight and Sunday.

    The death toll on Saturday rose to 126. Wajima city has recorded the highest number of deaths with 69, followed by Suzu with 38. More than 500 people were injured, at least 27 of them seriously.

    Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO

    Congress has approved legislation that would prevent any president from withdrawing the United States from NATO without approval from the Senate or an Act of Congress.  The measure, spearheade…

    Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO
    Authorities Announce Arrest Of Man In Killings Of 3 Unhoused People Across LA Authorities Announce Arrest Of Man In Killings Of 3 Unhoused People Across LA

    He is identified as Jerrid Joseph Powell. The 33-year old is linked to another homicide and robbery that took place in San Dimas. No motive has been identified.

    Authorities Announce Arrest Of Man In Killings Of 3 Unhoused People Across LA
    Judge finds Voting Rights Act violation in North Dakota redistricting for two tribes Judge finds Voting Rights Act violation in North Dakota redistricting for two tribes

    A federal judge has ruled that North Dakota’s 2021 legislative redistricting plan violates the rights of two Native American tribes because it dilutes their voting strength.

    Judge finds Voting Rights Act violation in North Dakota redistricting for two tribes

    In his ruling, Welte said the plan approved by the state Legislature to redraw voting districts in accordance with the latest census data “prevents Native American voters from having an equal opportunity to elect candidates of their choice” - a violation of the landmark civil rights law.

    Welte gave the Republican-controlled Legislature and the secretary of state until Dec. 22 “to adopt a plan to remedy the violation.”

    Measles deaths worldwide jumped 40% last year, health agencies say Measles deaths worldwide jumped 40% last year, health agencies say

    The World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say measles deaths globally spiked by more than 40% last year.

    Measles deaths worldwide jumped 40% last year, health agencies say
    Long presumed to have no heads at all, starfish may be nothing but Long presumed to have no heads at all, starfish may be nothing but

    For centuries, naturalists have puzzled over what might constitute the head of a sea star, commonly called a "starfish." When looking at a worm, or a fish, it's clear which end is the head and which is the tail. But with their five identical arms—any of which can take the lead in propelling sea star...

    Long presumed to have no heads at all, starfish may be nothing but
    DocMcStuffin DocMcStuffin
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