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2 yr. ago

  • 10 years ago me and my mom worked jobs from home. I did CenturyLink (phone company) and HSN and QVC. She did dish network, directv and Eddie Bauer. It was easier then to find wfh jobs than it is now. Then it was unusual, but no stigma. Now it's like you're an evil clown bent on molesting the village's sheep if you even suggest it. -_-

  • Came here looking for someone to have quoted this. I quote it to bigots all the time and it straight pisses them off.

  • God, thank you so much for asking this. It's been driving me insane, and I didn't even consider that I could be a togglable feature!

  • Could also consider sitting on items like cakes or balloons, or eating large quantities of foods on camera in a messy way. Peeing on stuff is another popular option.

  • Yeah, totally unreasonable for people to have seating options. I mean the downsides are just so numerous...

  • I mean, as an ex smoker i had a "I could try coke maybe?" intrusive thought when I saw nicotine's level compared to cocaine. Lmao

  • I save posts to check them the next day for this reason. Sorting by new gets boring pretty quick :/

  • I think their point is that even in situations that able bodied people might consider to have "ample seating," it may not be enough for those with disabilities. 3 minutes of walking between benches, I'd say, would probably be considered pretty ample seating by most city planners. It would be no where near enough for my dad, or for my mom before she went full time in the wheelchair. One solution to this could be something along the lines of the little carts they have at Walmart, but like, owned by the city and able to be checked out for free, combined with some people with mobility issues actually getting a say in how the city is planned out, and where the ramps and stuff are for the sidewalks.

  • Thank you so much!

  • "witnesses reported that the priest's wine was thick, and tasted funny"

  • This is bringing a tear to my eye. It's fuckin beautiful

  • She's a national treasure

  • Oh this is amazing. What's dough and ray, though?

  • Gold bonds diabetic lotion. I swear by the stuff. It's thick as peanut butter, but leave it on for a bit, wipe off any excess. I have incredibly dry skin on my hands that will crack and bleed if I don't moisturize, and I went from using lotion 10-15, sometimes more, times per day, to applying morning and night and being okay on most days. I also use the Walmart knock off brand and haven't seen a difference.

  • Anytime!

    And I'm sure there are much better introductions, but Vivekananda is a downright gas to learn about. Either the first or second (I forget) blog post was an introduction to the Swamiji and his address at the world's parliament of religion. I hope you enjoy. :)

  • Ah, okay. Yeah, Runes is my baby. Agnes has been knocking around in my head for years at this point, and I hope to do her justice one day and write an actual, real novel.

    Fair warning on the philosophy stuff, I'm batterscained, and it's a bit rambly. If you like nondualism, Hinduism, Vivekananda, etc, it might be interesting. I need to post more. :/