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2 yr. ago

  • Love it! Will be checking it out. :)

    And welcome to Lemmy! Can I also suggesting sharing on Pixelfed in addition to Instagram?

  • Thanks for the tips!

    My doc has me using a diabetic lotion, does that change anything? I'll definitely see if I can find something with jojoba, too. I'm always looking for something better. Haha.

    Also really appreciate the pronunciation guide, because I would've sounded like an ass when I asked for it otherwise. Lol. Thanks.

  • The worst thing is when it gets stuck in your teeth.

    Popcorn's bad for that, too, now I think of it.

  • Oh God, that's perfect

  • I don't speak Spanish, but I do dabble in learning it occasionally, when I have time. But I've found it super useful for certain things. I dated a nonbinary guy a while back, and while he did use he/him pronouns, he was very uncomfortable with the term "boyfriend," and girlfriend didn't fit either. We settled on novie. Neither of us speak Spanish, but it just fit way better.

    It made both of us very happy to piss off conservatives in two languages.

  • This works in reverse, too. My dachshunds routinely decide that my sleep time is the perfect time to just on Daddy's face and snuzzle.

  • I know, but I'm in a shitty cycle. It started when I was about 15, I'm 32 now. It's just been a constant battle. I don't know what originally caused it, but when I was a teen my hands just got super dry painful. I dealt with it for weeks, and then started using lotion. Have been using it ever since.

  • I hate stereotypes like this. I have all of these, and you're not going to make me pigeon hole myself into choosing one!

  • Oh, God, that's the worst. They're dry AF in the summer, too, but when winter hits, if I don't keep applying lotion every 7 and a half minutes like Cassandra from Doctor Who, then I just leave little snail trails of blood on everything I touch!

  • Whatever Works

  • Fair point. I'm thinking a small wooden box. Just want it for hauling groceries home. For carious reasons, I can't really put groceries in the back easily.

  • If you can find somewhere I can go, and take my mother who is a full time wheelchair user, I'll do it. I'll pack my shit and move today. It's just not feasible. The American education system means I wasn't able to go to college until my 30s, and I'm only half way through a bachelor's. Don't nobody want us.

  • Whatever Works

  • Probably the rear spare tire rack. Bolted right into it. I've got a CRV and honestly, this has me thinking....

  • Such a shame when things things claim our children. We must protect them!

  • What's the one on the trashcan?

  • Oh, God, this is so painfully accurate.

  • Yes! You see it, too! You have the true sight!

  • Honestly, they need to give us a series where our boy J Combs play the Captain, the first officer, and the engineer.

  • I used high end android for a long time. The note series, mainly. When I had to step away from that, I switched to LG. I fucking loved LG. They were awesome. Half the price, and damn good.

    Since they've stopped, I've had the pixel 6, and an A53. The pixel 6 was glitchy AF, and Google won't allow HDMI over USB, which is a major use case for me, and the A53 just sort of sucks.

    I miss high end android. :( but I won't switch to iOS. I hate how locked down it is, and I've never liked the feel of the OS. I'm considering the pixel again, but no HDMI is really fucking with me. :(

  • If we are doing this, I nominate Stamets, and second The Picard Maneuver. Both of them are top tier quality posters.