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2 yr. ago

All roads

  • I honestly used to love a traffic jam on the way to work. An extra hour I wasn't at work, just chillin' listening to my music, not being at fucking work. It was great. If traffic was completely stopped, like put it in park, turn off the ignition stopped, then it was Netflix on my phone time baby.

    Traffic jams on the way home suuuucked though. At the time real time traffic info in my area was spotty at best, though. Almost impossible to use as an excuse now.

  • I'm down to be Internet crafting buddies! :D

    Also, if you're at all lefty and within a reasonably drive of a major city you can probably find a group of anarchists or communists who still do quilting bees and crafting bees. A lot of what I know I learned from people who absolutely do not look like they'd be sewing and knitting. Haha. Spike mohawks and full punk vibes, plus knitting needles and gossip. It's awesome.

  • An amethyst crystal I found in my (gravel) driveway a full 4 years after moving in. It's a good 8 inches/20cm long, and shaped like a tear drop. It's amazing and I love it.

  • You and I would get along I feel.

  • Any suggestions on a different instance to move to? Preferably something smaller. I switched from world to this one because of outages during the Rexxit or whatever the hell it was called.

  • I am ashamed to admit I have never tried this, and just learned to throat the hard way. :/

  • Beautiful doxies. I have 3, they're such amazing creatures.

  • This one is rough, but have y'all heard of Stouffer's stuffing? D:

  • Limestone

  • These are clearly characters from studio ghibli's take on Night at the Museum.

  • Limestone

  • My guess, kami. Definitely kami.

  • Yeah, they 3d scanned my feets. The new insurance pays some, just not sure how much. 200 is the out of pocket.

  • This is the way. This is the way of light and goodness.

  • Dammit, now I gotta start looking for shoulder blade porn, cause that is sexy...

  • Up until a few ago I was getting my inserts from a local place, you put them in hot water and then stand on them for a couple minutes until they cool and harden.

    Then I got insurance that covered them. The difference it makes is insane. I lost that insurance 2 years ago, and I've been alternating the 3 pair trying to get them to last as long as possible. At this point there's not much left of them, but they're all I've got. It's 200 bucks for my next set (3 pair), and I'm gonna have to figure that out soon.

  • Add into this people who love pits and own them, but also believe they will "turn," and so constantly give their dogs subtle cues to be on edge, stressed, and like something is wrong. They're no more prone to dangerous actions than any other breed, they're just very, very intelligent dogs that learn how to react to their surroundings. The myth of the aggressive pit is what causes the aggressive pit. We need real education on dogs in general, because that Labrador you love or the poodle who was your best friend when you were a kid is just as capable of snapping or "turning." All dogs can bite, and all breeds can be sweet and well behaved.

  • The scene with the wounds on his hands, something like:

    "does it hurt?"

    "Not really"

    Pours salt in wounds "Does it now?"


    Breaks thermometer into the wounds "how about now?"

    "A little"

    "Aww! Poor baby!" Bandages wounds

    That scene has played on a loop in the back of my brain for decades. It's fucking hilarious. That and when the evil master reveals his name is Betty, and plays Big Butts. I loved that movie before I started smoking weed, and I loved it even more the first time I watched it stoned.

  • I see a lot of jokes about knee fetish in this thread. I dated a dude with a knee kink. It was disconcerting at first, but being the enlightened, nonjudgmental being I am, I went with it. Wasn't my thing at all, but honestly, the best word to describe it was inoffensive. He mostly just wanted to rub them, and occasionally get kneed in bed. Very meh experience.

  • You're normal, you're just not usual. Also foot fetish is, like, the most standard fetish at this point.

    Plus which, feet can be sexy as hell.

  • I'm both of these people. I like foots. But also, I have terrible foot pain due to high arches, and have had mostly jobs where I'm on my feet for hours. I will talk insoles and inserts whenever possible, as a way of helping people with foot pain. What I do not do is have any interest in talking foot stuff as a kink/fetish. Kink and fetish are reserved for consensual bedroom (or camping) times. There's no connection between the foot pain convos and the foot kink whenever that happens. People who try to stealth their way into nonconsensually getting people to play into their kink are creepy, and not good people.

  • Oh this is just fucking fantastic