Dharma Curious @ DharmaCurious @startrek.website Posts 7Comments 949Joined 2 yr. ago

If you have a gurdwara in your area, they often do free meals, almost like a restaurant. Baptist churches tend to have dinners on Wednesdays, and the Hare Krishnas are always good for some heavily dairy vegetarian foods. I wish more people knew this.
You have not lived until you've had Baked Step Sis Stuck in Stair Railing or deep fried Twink Takes Whole Fist First Time
I used to do it all the time as a kid accidentally to stop nightmares, but never knew I could do it on purpose, or really control things beyond "make the scary stop."
Then when I learned about lucid dreaming, I started practicing and managed it several times, but stopped when a dream character noticed what I was doing, and tried to murder me for it in one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I'm aware there's nothing supernatural or anything about it, and I understand the science behind it... But I ain't gonna lie, that woman in the bog flying towards me with her feet off the ground, screeching "you don't belong here!" And slamming into my chest, waking me up with phantom sensations of her touch? It scared me straight, and I haven't had the balls to try again. Lol.
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Exactly what I came to say. Nice to meet another fan in the wild!
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Check out The Dresden Files
Something in my ape brain just immediately trusts anyone who uses the phrase "of this one, I am certain." So no, you don't sound like a prick, you sound like a scholar, and I am inclined to request that you make several of my financial decisions for me.
God I want kids so I can raise this kid.
I'm my mother's primary care giver, so unless they'll let me bring her along, it probably wouldn't work out. Haha. But if we found an option that allowed for it, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat. Haha
I'm in Tennessee, actually. I go online. I really do like the school, though. And I know they have a brick and mortar in Manchester.
Very jealous of your move. I've wanted to move to Maine or Vermont since I was a kid, CT would be great, too. Let me know if you find something even moderately affordable! Lol
He is. Poor guy, though. He's had a lot of stuff in his life. He also had vericose veins on his dick and balls, and the pee hole was in the wrong spot when he was born.
And no, I'm not sharing info he'd want hidden. He's very, very open this stuff and tries to destigmatize. Just in case anyone was concerned.
That's a heavy workload. Make sure you get some time in there for you, too. You deserve it.
If you're in the US, SNHU has been really awesome. Terms run 8 weeks, they don't do group projects, and there are tons of helpful things like the tutoring. So long as you can write a paper in APA or MLA (depending on path), and can follow instructions, you're golden. 8 weeks feels rushed compared to 16 weeks of brick and mortar schools, but honestly, it's about 5 hours per week per class for me. Two classes at a time is full time, but you can take 1 if you need, or 3 in your second year if your GPA is over 3.0.
Originally sociology, because I wanted to go for religious studies but it wasn't offered. I switched over to creative writing a few months ago, because I enjoy storytelling and have been told I'm good at it. My plan is to teach English as a second language, so I need a BA, any BA, to do that. I'm lucky that I'm not stuck into a particular degree path, and I get to do something I enjoy in that way.
Have you graduated? What did you go for?
No, was walking down his hall, and somehow they just tangled? It was a blood curdling scream.
Now I'm imagining a planet with a helium atmosphere that's breathable for humans. Best. Episode. Of. Star Trek. Ever. I'm envisioning TOS, super serious scenes where Scotty has fallen near dead, Kirk looks to Bones for some reassurance, and in Mickey Mouses voice Bones mournfully tells him "He's dead, Jim"
I have a friend with a whole host of health problems, including severe seizures. I was on the phone with him one night, when he said hang on, and I hear "oh, ow!" And then he starts screaming like he's being murdered. I thought it was like an extreme seizure. Turns out, testicular torsion. I felt so badly for him.
I joke about it, and I did struggle pretty bad with a stats class (my brain does not math), but honestly, I love it so much. I truly enjoy the learning with classes like anthro, soc, et cetera, and I've got a 3.8 gpa (that damn math class). I'm 2 years in now, and genuinely dreading it ending. I'm seriously considering a master's after this, because I am not ready to be done with school.
Read the rubric! I'm at SNHU, so ymmv at other schools, but read the rubric. They grade to that, and it doesn't matter how exceptional your work is, if it doesn't meet the rubric, you're boned. If it's mediocre and meets the rubric, it's at least a passing grade. Other than that, utilize any extras your school offers. Snhu offers tutoring, both schedules and drop in, writing labs, all kind of academic help. If you're ever struggling, call your advisor and let them know. They can suggest things to help, or potentially even get you withdrawn from a class you know you won't pass.
Do you plan on going in person or online?
That last panel is how I feel having signed my stupid ass up for college at 30.
God, imagine a vacation company whose entire schtick is that they will screen your calls, provide you cocoa, warm snuggly blankets, and private beds, babysit the kids, and provide a convincing doctors note for work. You go there, and you just nap and Netflix for a weekend.