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2 yr. ago

  • Wait, it's already there? I thought they were generating them currently?

    Also, it's searchable? I didn't notice that. Just hit random. Going to go check it again!

  • My grandfather had this, and had it corrected in his 40s, iirc. Before my time by a country mile, but my mom has talked about it. He did not regret it, but that's as much as I know.

    When I was a kid that little flap of skin would get stuck between my front bottom teeth and it hurt like hell. They basically touched it with a razor just enough to draw blood and it lengthened it enough not to happen anymore. Like, the tiniest, tiniest cut. I doubt that's helpful, but thought I'd share.

  • I want to live in Tantopia.

  • Ahh, sorry, didn't realize it was a gif. Thought it was a still image!

  • I know out of Asia is debunked, but I swear they're our closest relative. If not genetically then they're definitely closest as in that one cousin you actually get along with. 'Tans are just cooler than the rest of the family.

  • Okay, cool! I had some fun looking for words in the pages. But if I understand it correctly, what we'll end up with individual words surrounded with gibberish on the pages. You're never going to get a page full of real words, right?

  • Maybe it's because I just woke up, but I'm not sure I get it?

  • I like this version of Gandalf. It makes me think he got Bilbo to leave his house by threatening to blow a brand new Hobbit Hole in him. Lmao

  • Is this like the digital equivalent of a million monkeys with a million typewriters?

  • Thanks! Dealing with a pretty horrible abscessed tooth right now (fucking glitches in the sim!), so I'll read later. Thanks again!

  • That was fucking fantastic

  • Interesting!! Do you have a link to the historic text?

  • Ooh, care to link to any of your favorite things? I love simulation theory.

  • This is hilarious, but is there supposed to be sound?

  • Privacy only is an overblown issue, and if we want Lemmy to be successful, we need to be using ads on all the instances. No more than every 3rd post should be an ad. We should also be working to incorporate an algorithm that will push posts from superusers to the front.

  • I don't know if we have a single word for that in English, I might say "keep your chin up" but that often comes across as demeaning. Maybe "you've got this," "you'll get through this" or "God doesn't put more on you than you can handle" if they're religious.

    As far as what I want, probably someone to plot with me on how to egg the car of that bastard that fired me. Barring that, pizza/wings/general hang out.

  • Started the first book. Just finished the chapters Clear Air Turbulence. I was hooked from the prologue!

    It also occured to me, I haven't read much scifi. I watch a lot of scifi, I read a lot of fantasy. I haven't read much sci-fi, so it's kind of fun that it's something new to me that I'd never really considered was missing until now. Thanks for the rec!