Attaxalotl @ Attaxalotl Posts 3Comments 140Joined 2 yr. ago
Psychic! Attack!
Kobolds are the Monster Hunter aesthetic
Isn’t Jesus canonically a Jojo?
The only thing that can stop a hedgehog is another, edgier, hedgehog.
That would have made medical sense, making Fahrenheit actually useful for certain applications, and then they fucked it up.
Fahrenheit is just more intuitive to me, but that alone makes me prefer Celsius
and then you add all of the other benefits on top. We really need to get on the metric system.
It kind of is, but a good way to think of it is the percentage of hot it is. 70F is like 20C, which is a nice temperature. 0F is about -17C, which is very not hot, one might even say zero percent hot. 110F is about 43C, which is very hot, one might even say 110% hot
-459.67F or -273.15C
They could, If they weren’t cowards
My bard friend counterspells your counterspell
Nope, it’s their skills in the kitchen!
And spiders
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back!
Raven Fox, like the Crow Raccoon but bigger and also will allow pets if you give it enough bread
Canadian Goose Chihuahua Gryphon: malice incarnate
What sort of games would Kobolds make? Because I can definitely see them making From the Depths
Taking into account the time investment, (I’ll use federal minimum wage even though your time is worth a whole lot more than that) this wouldn’t be much more expensive than a well-painted kraken mini.