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2 yr. ago

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  • I wish they'd port reddit's old multireddit feature over, and make those lists shareable.

  • Oh, no, I just do that to make you paranoid.

  • my TTRPG dream is to be a player in a game someday.

  • Whole.

  • Wikipedia

    You mean they see the non-profit organisation as a rival?

  • wouldn't they be statted as per 2e?

  • The Dude was on to something, white russian all the way.

  • Congratulations on branching out!

    I think we need more variety in the TTRPG space. I don't like the idea of D&D being a near-monopoly.

  • Yeah, poor formatting is a throughline of a lot of White Wolf books. Everyone complains about people not reading the books, when I actively choose to ignore them (especially Mage, that's an absolute behemoth of a CRB.)

  • Any chance to support anything that isn't D&D?

  • Yeah.

    WoD has some amazing capacity for shitposting, but no one really seems to utilise it. A lot of memes I see are entire walls of text with a tangential relevance to anything directly connected to the setting. What we really need is stupid mage memes like this, or something like "There are camarilla agents outside my house."

  • I want more people to play Changeling: the Dreaming, or older World of Darkness games.

  • As for context for what the Gazebo Incident is, have this youtube short