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Do you ever feel like you have to apologize for .7z archives?
  • Does it work with bzip as well?

  • hdjskxbzka sjsiysiakaueie jssisns
  • I'm not playing Scrabble with that monkey.

  • Ita not fair...
  • So, the reason for the end of the world... is beer?

  • gender selection
  • I read that as "children / parents" and was about to search for this amazing revenge story, but then I read the post again and now I'm disappointed.

  • Bell curve of text editors
  • That's just the sign of a deeper illness. Soon you'll be installing a disk defragger.

  • Down with the pink boys!

  • Why did forum signatures fall out of favor?
  • This brings back fond memories.

  • i hate when this happens
  • Alt-B usually works fairly reliably

  • NSFW
    when will these subs move to Lemmy? When will the majority of subs be on Lemmy?
  • It seems that you're looking for a reddit with blackjack and hookers but ended up on lemmy instead. Don't give up on your search!

  • I promise I’m okay! 🥲
  • Technically, it's too early to fix it.

  • So majestic
  • I think you're supposed to feed them to animals.

  • NSFW
    flavored rice 😋
  • Don't just give out your secret recipes like that!

  • UFOs can ‘fly underwater and defy physics’ claims US congressman
  • It's apparently illegal to have a beer with someone that's not a complete imbecile in the US.

    Probably one of those old laws that never got repelled.

  • Elon Musk: "zuck is a cuck"
  • It's not that I want to see them fight, it's more that I want to see Elon get repeatedly punched in the face.

  • What would be the long-term impact on the internet and society if Google were to completely fail?
  • I like your optimism. Even though I'm far from sharing it.

  • Ohio
  • I don't live in the states, but my mum used to threaten with Ohio when I misbehaved as a child. I was never really sure what it was but it certainly sounded scary.

  • (Rumor) EVGA to withdraw from the Motherboard market ?
  • They want to open a food truck from what I heard.

  • Didier Raoult, who popularized hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid-19, is being investigated for unauthorized research on homeless people
  • He is also suspected to have faked a number of his recent scientific publications. Which is naughty.

  • How do self-hosters or smaller sites handle security?
  • Reading the logs for the incoming connection attempts of a fresh machine should be mandatory for everybody that wants to get a box online. It's enlightening.
    And it already was scary twenty years ago.

  • AnActualFossil AnActualFossil
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