New Mad Max cast
[$0 / $150 - By Feb 10] Got groceries covered. Posting pertaining to the other expenses now.
It obviously would all be really bad, but you have to admit Trump knows how to give us a good new season of the USA. (Take notes, Biden)
Me and the 3 guns I got from the lootbox I just opened. No shiny this time
No spoilers please. I still have to finish the New Testament Arc
I have been waiting over 2000 years for this one
Dont do that. Dont give me hope
Breadtuber but one of them that mostly is pretty ok and good. Seems at least like a decent guy from my knowledge
Thats certainly one of the games ever released
Ok now for some actual selfish wishes
Wish 1 Practical Immortality – No aging, no disease, no accidental deaths. I only die if I choose 2
Wish 2 (this ones for the Posadists) Full command over a high-tech Alien Invasion Fleet - Also has the implication that there are now 100% Aliens out there
Wish 3 Mindcontrol (All shall bow before their eternal empress) No but seriously with this I can make the world leaders who wont step down from my ayy lmaos bend the knee peacefully and avoid most of the large scale warfare . Time to start humanities golden Age I guess. I will be a merciful godess. I promise
Slay Queen
Its not really much worse than the default political compass some folks take serious
I played the game wayyy back on the Playstation 2. I played it over the summer vacation and have fond memories of it. The gameplay can feel grindy after a while (but I just liked the combat a ton) -If I recall I enjoyed the story quite a bit.
Just waiting for Civilization 7 release at the moment. Will play that for a while after it launches. Watching the show Dune Prophecy right now-might make a thread on it when im done.