Unixporn @lemmy.ml Unixporn @lemmy.ml Got a small monitor for small music stuff :)
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Unixporn @lemmy.ml Unixporn @lemmy.ml first post on lemmy, reddit old times vibe...
Unixporn @lemmy.ml Unixporn @lemmy.ml Unixporn @lemmy.ml added a Nord theme to my existing rice
Unixporn @lemmy.ml Unixporn @lemmy.ml Onedark colors and more bloated statusbar
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Unixporn @lemmy.ml Haven't posted here in a while. Here's my desktop currently.
Unixporn @lemmy.ml While my other rice took more effort, this one looks much cooler.
Unixporn @lemmy.ml Playing with Custom CSS themes for Librewolf on LARBS.