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Traditional Art

AC2024 B1 - Mixed media [Paper collage & linocut] [OC]

Traditional Art

"Radiant" - Linocut print inspired by astrophysics & the stars - 70x100cm

Traditional Art

"Quantum" linoprint 70x100cm Golden ink on black Satogami paper

Traditional Art

Barn Owl [OC] (watercolours, dip pen, gell pen, and fineliners)

Traditional Art

The King In Yellow by L. Lamm (me) 2024, soft pastel and ink

Traditional Art

"Carbon Based Lifeform"

Traditional Art

Dude IV

Traditional Art

another Dude

Traditional Art

Rat Boi

Traditional Art

Smiling dude

Traditional Art


Traditional Art

'Quantum' linocut Print 70x100cm silver ink on black Satogami paper

Traditional Art

'Tundra' Julien Catanese - Linocut Print - [70x100cm 27,5x39.3"]

Traditional Art

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