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Review: IREM Collection VOL. 2

Whereas IREM Collection Vol. 1 had three shmups (X-Multiply, Image Fight 1 and Image Fight 2) Vol. 2 just has one -- Air Duel.


Air Duel is a perfectly serviceable vertical shooter with some entertainingly detailed enemy fighters to coo at, as well as some memorably apocalyptic backgrounds in later levels. Otherwise, it's just a little bit lame, just there.


Toaplan Arcade 3 Review (Evercade) | Time Extension

More Toaplan! They're so hot right now! /s

I wouldn't necessarily suggest getting an Evercade to everyone. But if you already bought into the ecosystem, then you might find this review handy.


Raiden Nova Review (Switch eShop) | Nintendo Life

The first review is in for the twin-stick spin off Raiden Nova. TL/DR 6/10, but take it with a grain of salt.


Valfaris: Mecha Therion Review (Switch eShop) | Nintendo Life


Devil Blade Reboot (Steam) - An Utterly Essential Shmup


Rainbow Cotton (Switch) - The Definitive Version Of This Dreamcast Shooter


[Review] Dead End City Review - Nintendo Switch


Gun Trails (Playdate) - A Technical Marvel That Takes No Prisoners

A niche genre on a niche console -- makes sense to me.


THEC64 Collection 3 (Evercade) - A Third Helping Of Commodore Classics

Includes the shmups Cybernoid II: The Revenge, and Heavy Metal Paradroid.


The Legend of Steel Empire @ Retronauts


Exact Perfect Collection For X68000 - Four Of The Best

Posted due to the inclusion of the shmup "Naious". Looks interesting.

"First up is Exact’s 1990 debut, Naious, a horizontal shoot-‘em-up that would feel right at home on Mega Drive. It’s nothing particularly innovative, but it is fast, fun and challenging. If you like Konami shooters, especially Salamander, Thunder Cross or the MSX-exclusive Space Manbow, then you’ll enjoy this one.


[Review] Mayflash F101 Arcade Stick Review - A Solid Budget-Friendly Option

After a few years of playing shmups, I finally decided to try using an arcade stick instead of a d-pad. I went with a Mayflash F101, and Shmuptopia's video review helped me make a decision on my first stick, so I thought it'd be worth posting here.

Of course, if I fall down a custom stick rabbit-hole now, it'll be all his fault! /s