"I always knew this was possible, but never expected it to actually happen..." again... This one was even more absurd than my last world record 9 months ago. 2 slices to U perm - 10 slice solution. Probably one of the most ridiculous scrambles to have ever been generated (thanks Dan). This scramb...
3x3x3 OH 8.03 avg by Nicholas Archer
[WR] 3x3x3 OH 8.03 avg by Nicholas Archer
Previous avg by Sean Patrick Villanueva: 8.09.
First time Roux beating Roux ?
square-1 4.69 average by Sameer Aggarwal
[WR] square-1 4.69 average by Sameer Aggarwal
Previous avg 4.91 by Dylan Baumbach, 2024/09/21
Previous WR by Sameer (6.06) was in december of 2021! He started to learn OBLP by the end ofk 2021, and that was harder than he planned. But hard work has finally paid!
megaminx 26.60 average by Leandro Martín López
[WR] megaminx 26.60 average by Leandro Martín López
Previous avg 26.84 by LML, sep 01, 2023
3x3x3 4.05 average by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
[WR] 3x3x3 4.05 average by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
Previous avg by Yiheng Wang: 4.09.
In August, he broke the ao5 world record with 4.25. It’s now one of its worst attempt.
"Funny" how he shakes his head when solving at 4.1s...
rubikscube #speedcubing #333
3x3x3 OH 5.66 single by Dhruva Sai Meruva.
[WR] 3x3x3 OH 5.66 single by Dhruva Sai Meruva.
Previous single by Sean Patrick Villanueva: 6.05.
5.66 is the first sub-6 OH. It was also the first sub-6 333 by Feliks in 2011.
Pll-skip, but the TPS is insane!
5x5x5 31.60 single by Tymon Kolasiński
[WR] 5x5x5 31.60 single by Tymon Kolasiński
Previous single : 32.52 by Max Park (Mar 16, 2024). And the previous, and the previous and … (It was 7 consecutive WR single by Max Park).
Reconstruction https://reco.nz/solve/11096
3x3x3 4.08 average by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
[WR] 3x3x3 4.08 average by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
3.83 (6.16) 4.55 (3.71) 3.88
Previous avg : 4.25 by Yiheng Wang
3x3x3 4.36 average by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
[WR] 3x3x3 4.36 average by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
(6.11) (3.97) 4.48 4.59 4.02
Previous avg : 4.48 by Yiheng Wang too.
During first round… With Leo as a judge!
3x3x3 OH 6.05 single by Sean Patrick Villanueva
[WR] 3x3x3 OH 6.05 single by Sean Patrick Villanueva
Previous single by Max : 6.20.
Sean now has single AND avg WR for OH.
FMC single 16 by Levi Gibson and Aedan Bryant (yes, it's a tie)
[WR] FMC single 16 by Levi Gibson and Aedan Bryant (yes, it's a tie)
Levi's reconstruction: https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=zmDdWqCEwc
Aedan's solution: https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=epnEalnBCm0
It's also a tie with Sebastiano Tronto's 16 moves, back in 2019.
4x4x4 15.71 single by Max Park
[WR] 4x4x4 15.71 single by Max Park
Max hasn't posted the video yet.
Previous record 15.83.
Its average was 19.77, less than 0.4s from its WR. I guess it will be broken soon…
2x2x2 0.78 avg by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
[WR] 2x2x2 0.78 avg by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
Another point of view:
Previous record: 0.92 by Zayn Khanani
skewb 1.52 avg by Carter Kucala
[WR] skewb 1.52 avg by Carter Kucala
Reconstruction : https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=y4ll7k0ineY
3x3x3 OH 8.09 avg by Sean Patrick Villanueva
[WR] 3x3x3 OH 8.09 avg by Sean Patrick Villanueva
Previous avg by Max : 8.62.
clock 2.31 single by Eryk Kasperek
[WR] clock 2.31 single by Eryk Kasperek
5x5x5 32.52 single by Max Park
[WR] 5x5x5 32.52 single by Max Park
If he keeps this up, he'll be faster than me with the 3x3x3
Square-1 3.41 single by Ryan Pilat
"I always knew this was possible, but never expected it to actually happen..." again...
This one was even more absurd than my last world record 9 months ago. 2 slices to U perm - 10 slice solution. Probably one of the most ridiculous scrambles to have ever been generated (thanks Dan).
This scramble had the potential to destroy this event, potential to stand for at least a decade, perhaps longer...
But no, I choked, and that's okay. I tried to 1look it but I wasn't mentally focused enough to do so. I knew the bottom layer would be solved after OBL but that's about it. My execution wasn't good, but I'm so relieved to have at least broken WR given the immense pressure of such an easy scramble.
Eventually someone will break the sub-3 barrier and beyond, given the right circumstances. This just leaves the door open for more people to have a shot at WR.
And of all people to be the first to have multiple sub-4s, I don't think anyone expected it to be me...
Previous record was 3
2x2x2 0.92 avg by Zayn Khanani
Still doesn’t feel real.. After failing time and time again over the past few years, I finally broke the biggest mental barrier of my cubing career. These solves are far from perfect though, excited to see what the future holds :) 0.84 (2.69) (0.71) 1.04 0.88 = 0.92 World Record Average New-Cumber...
Previous record was 1.01, by Zayn Khanani. A huge step!
Explanation of inspection : https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=-7yYeTOZNQ0 (spoiler: that’s crazy)
3BLD 12.00 single by Tommy Cherry
[WR] 3BLD 12.00 single by Tommy Cherry
Tommy takes back the WR by 0.10s https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=gdHPag6z2NY
5s of memo, 7s execution. Have I already said that I’m impressed by cubers?
6x6x6 1:06.46 mean by Seung-Hyuk Nahm
[WR] 6x6x6 1:06.46 mean by Seung-Hyuk Nahm
A world record on n×n×n not by Mak Park !