- Night sky / Space
I was asked by one of the mods for this community to create a tutorial for the night sky/space/nebula wing technique I used on my blue dragon, so here it is. It’s not a particularly difficult thing to paint, and it can probably be done in a few different ways, but this is how I do it. For this tutorial I decided to go with a darker scheme than my blue dragon, with the only difference being that I used a bit more red in my purple and more of the surface was done in purple for my blue dragon.
Items you need:
- Airbrush and compressor
- A toothbrush
- Black primer (Vallejo 74602)
- Airbrush thinner (Vallejo 71161)
- Airbrush flow improver (Vallejo 71362)
- White paint (Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White)
- Two or more transparent paints (Vallejo Transparent Red 70934 and Vallejo Transparent blue 70938)
The brands don’t really matter, you’re just looking for some colors with low coverage, and a white that can thin down into a proper, smooth liquid. I