Kids Are Working in America’s Meatpacking Plants
Kids Are Working in America’s Meatpacking Plants

Migrant children are being employed at chicken plants.

Kids Are Working in America’s Meatpacking Plants
Migrant children are being employed at chicken plants.
I used to work in a meat processing plant doing cleanup when I was about 16. It is a very dangerous job. You have to take machinery apart to clean it and if you are careless you can easily lose fingers/hands/arms/other appendages. My least favorite part of the job was cleaning the bandsaws. You have to take the the blade which is about 10 feet long out of the machine (it's razor sharp so on a good day you don't cut yourself very badly) and clean out what I can only call "meat sawdust" out of every nook and cranny of the machine. Then you have to feed the blade back into the saw. That was probably the least dangerous machine to clean. The meat grinders were also a pain in the ass because you have to remove a giant spiral cylinder with razor sharp edges, again very easy to lose at least a finger if you're not careful
I wouldn't ever want my child to be doing that job, or anyone else's
Not trying to have any gotcha moment or be deceptive but I am genuinely interested what made you go there and possible come back even to work more? Nothing else available and you needed the money maybe? Its OK if this is too personal a question to answer.
Did they not give you fucking gloves?
dont ever wear gloves when working with rotating or moving saws. the gloves will force your hand into the saw.
i am a regular guest on a clinic ward that specializes in hand surgery. people with severed fingers or half of a hand missing always tell me the same story: the glove forced my hand into the sawblade.
That sounds like an environment from childhood nightmares I wish had stayed forgotten
We really should have made The Jungle required reading
That's the book that came to mind when the Supreme Court ruled against federal agencies.
the people who need to read and understand that book will not absorb the message
There are folks more upset about the Boarshead fiasco that are suggesting that more people should have read that book.
Meaning that a lot of folks that did read it also didn't absorb the message.
They hate this country so fucking much. We need to kick these people out of this country to make room for hard working refugees (not /s)
Teen Vogue really on some shit lately.
Between them and Rolling Stone the last few years...
"Well guys, looks like the grey lady is doing a 1935 again, so Jackson, I'm gonna need you to pivot from writing relationship quizzes to the child labor beat. Ada, Frank, can you handle best makeup tutorials and genocide? Allison, I know you're on concert reviews, how would you feel about also picking up the investigation on coal coke emissions?"
Fucking good on them, I'm sure that there have always been people doing good work at these publications, but it seems like they've had to really expand their purview recently to cover these giant gaps.
They've been publishing serious political pieces for nearly a decade now, 2016 election and a new editor was the shift.
Which is why they haven't been let into the press room at the White House.
They must be the last bigger outlets that have independent income are not owned by some billionaire lobby.
From what I can see I'd definitely rank Teen Vogue above Rolling Stone, although both are still editorial to some degree. Teen Vogue's headlines aren't as incendiary.
Close friend was a political and occasional music writer for Rolling Stone. Apparently they're a mess as a business, invoices, etc
Dinosaur chicken nuggets: made by kids for kids.
And from kids! The circle is complete
The dinosaur nuggies are children!
But they yearn for it /s
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
You're saying kids are packing my mea....
Also, if you think a child will ever clean something well enough to process food!? US food production is disgusting.
So you think a low payed adult worker will either?
Ain't none of you people ever been inside a packing plant have you?
Not my point. And I have.
Everyone should read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.
It was written almost 120 years ago, and shows just how horrendous these working conditions used to be before the FDA existed. Everyone who wants to cripple the ability of the FDA to regulate these plants wants those kinds of inhumane working conditions back.
It has a socialist message in the second half, but remember - socialism doesn't replace democracy. Socialism replaces Capitalism.
What, I thought it was the illegal immigrants taking all the jobs.. Nevermind, I read the article and it's migrant kids they're talking about.
And don’t get me started on the white trash managers and supervisors in those places. Literally run by some strange asshole thug druggie meth types. Oscar Mayer plant in west/southern Illinois is absolutely crazy.
Those kids are earning a Honest Living!
-Republicans who think Drag Queens are DESTROYING our Youth!
It's almost like exploiting and killing sentient beings is something we shouldn't be doing at all... 🤔
another case for veganism
As if fruit and veg packing and processing plants are any better. As long as greedy humans are in charge people will be exploited as much as they possibly can regardless of what the industry is.
Exploitation of labor is a huge problem in many industries, but the amount of desensitizing horror and PTSD that occurs in slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants is on a whole different level.
didn't you already try that? it didn't work.
When your party fellates Big Business so hard you have to provide underage workers for them...
Not only that I'm sure they are making close to minimum wage. Raise that and families might make enough to not need to have their children need to work
Underage/undocumented workers are definitely not making minimum wage!
Flashbacks to Left Behind
So excited for The Jungle 2
Ah finally, the Good Ole Days
Meat is a choice and it's a bad one.
Tyson Foods, the company mentioned in the article, also has plant-based brands under its wing.
So no, it won't make a difference in this case.