If anyone is interested, here's the (rather hurried, don't judge me) Python used:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script assumes that you've already downloaded all the episode lines from
# the fantastic chakoteya.net:
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/STDisco17/ http://www.chakoteya.net/STDisco17/episodes.html -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/Enterprise/ http://www.chakoteya.net/Enterprise/episodes.htm -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/Voyager/ http://www.chakoteya.net/Voyager/episode_listing.htm -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/DS9/ http://www.chakoteya.net/DS9/episodes.htm -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/NextGen/ http://www.chakoteya.net/NextGen/episodes.htm -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/StarTrek/ http://www.chakoteya.net/StarTrek/episodes.htm -m
# Then you'll probably have to convert the following files to UTF-8 as they
# differ from the rest:
# * Voyager/709.htm
# * Voyager/515.htm
# * Voyager/416.htm
# * Enterprise/41.htm
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
EPISODE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\d+\.html?$")
LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>[A-Z']+): ")
EPISODES = Path("www.chakoteya.net")
ENT = EPISODES / "Enterprise"
TNG = EPISODES / "NextGen"
TOS = EPISODES / "StarTrek"
VOY = EPISODES / "Voyager"
TOS.name: "Those Old Scientists",
TNG.name: "The Next Generation",
DS9.name: "Deep Space Nine",
VOY.name: "Voyager",
ENT.name: "Enterprise",
DISCO.name: "Discovery",
class CharacterLines:
def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None:
self.path = path
self.line_count = defaultdict(int)
def collect(self) -> None:
for episode in self.path.glob("*.htm*"):
if EPISODE_REGEX.match(episode.name):
for line in episode.read_text().split("\n"):
if m := LINE_REGEX.match(line):
self.line_count[m.group("name")] += 1
def as_tablular_data(self) -> tuple[tuple[str, int, float], ...]:
total = sum(self.line_count.values())
r = []
for k, v in self.line_count.items():
percentage = round(v * 100 / total, 2)
if percentage > 1:
r.append((str(k), v, percentage))
return tuple(reversed(sorted(r, key=lambda _: _[2])))
def render(self) -> None:
print(f"\n\n# {NAMES[self.path.name]}\n")
print("| Name | Total Lines | Percentage of Lines |")
print("| ---------------- | :---------: | ------------------: |")
for character, total, pct in self.as_tablular_data:
print(f"| {character:16} | {total:11} | {pct:19} |")
if __name__ == "__main__":
for series in (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, DISCO):
counter = CharacterLines(series)