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Do you know any mobile games that don't suck?

I just want to kill some time, I like simple arcade style games that aren't using scummy corporate sales tactics to get me to play every day

  • Decidedly not arcade, but I absolutely love Shattered Pixel Dungeon as a phone timekiller.

    • This and solitaire are the only games I would install on my phone.

  • Slice & Dice is the best game I've ever gotten on my phone, I bought it over Thanksgiving in 2021 and haven't stopped playing it since. It's similar to deck builders, but dice based.

    It's $7 on mobile, but has a good free to try demo. So you can see if you like it for free. It's also available on Steam and

    The game is still in active development, but the dev only releases updates every 1-1.5 years. The updates are absolutely massive though and add a ton of content.

  • If you like twitchy reflex killers, two oldies-but-goodies from Terry Cavanaugh: Super Hexagon and VVVVVV.

    Fun chiptune soundtracks, minimal graphics, and so much "I died already? Okay just ONE MORE try and then I really need to get some work done. ARGH - okay maybe ONE MORE try...." And when you finally succeed the dopamine is second to none.

  • You Must Build a Boat and Triple Town are simple but excellent. Slay the Spire is incredible - can't recommend it enough.

  • Dead Cells and Peglin

    • Dead Cells seems like it would be absolute ass on a touch screen, I've got 300 hours on it on PC but no thank you

      You folks that like to sync a controller to your phone might enjoy it though

  • If you have a rooted phone, an older android version, or the ability to access the android/data folder to move files around, I hear some pvz2 mods are pretty good. Only ones I can personally say are good are Refloureshed and Eclise, though it's been a long time since I've played Eclise. Both are harder versions of vanilla.