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Simple 404 Community not found straight to local search

If you try to access a community on your local instance and it gives you a 404, this automatically takes you to your local instance's search instead and puts the community in for you.

Recommended to use with](local instance redirect script) by

I started using Tampermonkey today, so dunno if this works with GreaseMonkey, but I assume it does.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Lemmings Redirect
// @version      1.0
// @description  Redirect to your local Lemmy instance
// @author
// @match        https://*/c/*@*
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==

var unknownLemmy =
  document.body.textContent === "404: couldnt_find_community";

if (unknownLemmy) {
    // Get URL info
    var splitUrl = location.href.split("/");
    var split2 = splitUrl[4].split("@");
    var instanceUrl = split2[1];
    var community = split2[0];
    var searchUrl =
        "https://" + splitUrl[2] + "/search/q/!" + community + "%40" + instanceUrl + "/type/All/sort/TopAll/listing_type/All/community_id/0/creator_id/0/page/1";



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