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Can you tell which images are AI generated?

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Hey everyone. I made a casual survey to see if people can tell the difference between human-made and AI generated art. Any responses would be appreciated, I'm curious to see how accurately people can tell the difference (especially those familiar with AI image generation)

    • Same. On the plus side, I guess we will happily trundle along to our inevitable doom, led by our impossible-to-identify AI overlords!

    • I only guessed a single one as generated by AI and I was wrong on that (the mouse in the boat drawing felt like unusual shaping and shading for a human). I really could not identify any telltale signs of AI in any of them, so answered entirely honestly that none of the others looked like AI generated.

      To be honest, I expected that. The telltale signs people often talk about are only problems for bad AI art. Well done AI art really is indistinguishable. Stuff like weird fingers, faces, and teeth are only problems if the prompter is lazy and just picks the first thing generated (and doesn't selectively regenerate). If you're selective, you can get AI art without the things some people claim make AI art easy to recognize.

      It's like photoshop or movie CGI. Anyone can detect a bad photoshop and we're used to seeing those. But well done photoshops by experts can be near impossible to detect (short of careful pixel level inspection, which doesn't really apply to AI art). Yet, a lot of people are over confident in how well they can spot photoshops.

      I wonder if this will change anyone's mind? I've always wanted to do this for a few topics, including AI. I've also wanted to do this for trans vs cis people (so many transphobes claim they can "always tell"), movie CGI vs practical effects (see also: Captain Disillusion videos), and for various kinds of food and drink (so many people are elitist that something tastes better -- simple example that I've actually seen disproven is the various kinds of eggs, including store bought vs locally sourced).

  • Nice try robots! I’m not helping you learn how to fool us humans.

  • Idk about anyone else but its a bit long. Up to q10 i took it seriously and actually looked for ai gen artifacts (and got all of them up to 10 correct) and then I just sorta winged it and guessed and got like 50% of them right. OP if you are going to use this data anywhere I would first recommend getting all of your sources together as some of those did not have a good source, but also maybe watch out for people doing what I did and getting tired of the task and just wanting to see how well i did on the part i tried. I got like 15/20

    For anyone wanting to get good at seeing the tells, focus on discontinuities across edges: the number or intensity of wrinkles across the edge of eyeglasses, the positioning of a railing behind a subject (especially if there is a corner hidden from view, you can imagine where it is, the image gen cannot). Another tell is looking for a noisy mess where you expect noisy but organized: cross-hatching trips it up especially in boundary cases where two hatches meet, when two trees or other organic looking things meet together, or other lines that have a very specific way of resolving when meeting. Finally look for real life objects that are slightly out of proportion, these things are trained on drawn images, and photos, and everything else and thus cross those influences a lot more than a human artist might. The eyes on the lego figures gave it away though that one also exhibits the discontinuity across edges with the woman's scarf.

  • 16/20. I would imagine I err’d on the side of assuming art was AI made rather than human made. AI generated photos are too ‘smooth’ looking.

  • I failed on


    Only failed on 2 because I forgot about the existence of that site

  • I got 9/20, shoulda done better. 4-5 of those I was so sure I was right and still managed to get em wrong. The rest of the wrong uns were 50/50.