Mapping changes in temperature: every year from 1850 to 2023
Mapping changes in temperature: every year from 1850 to 2023
Red indicates a higher average temperature than the previous year; blue the opposite.
Mapping changes in temperature: every year from 1850 to 2023
Red indicates a higher average temperature than the previous year; blue the opposite.
I hate when they don't include info on how to READ easily-shareable images like this. Put it in the PICTURE, science communicators! OP is in the minority here by providing the source.
Red indicates a higher average temperature from the previous year. Blue is the opposite.
I'd just have thought they had some absolute scale going. It's a relative scale. This can lead to wildly wrong conclusions. Not in this case as the message would be the same mostly, but still.
This is fine.
yup, we're fucked
votes for right wing party that doesn't give a fuck about climate change
I miss blue
The 2030's will be brown, like burnt toast.
I really want a full-res view of one of these little pictures so I can know where’s where
What little pictures, it's just a photo of a sunrise /s
Terrifying to think what the next set of images are going to look like.
Glad I decided not to have kids.
So what is above average? 0.5°? 0.001°? This tells you nothing.
I assume this community and others like it on other instances are going to be just like the sub Reddit. Sensationalised data presented in a terrible way.
Before anyone jumps on me - I'm not saying the world isn't heating up.