Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth
Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth

Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth

Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth
Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth
Trump swearing loyalty to King Charles wasn't in my predictions for this year
Take a picture of Trump kneeling in front of King Charles and share them to Maga world
there are 56 members of the commonwealth of nations. of those, only 15 are commonwealth realms. the rest are republics or a different monarchy.
india was the first republic member when they transitioned from dominion (with british monarch as head of state) to a republic in 1950.
commonwealth members need only recognize king charles as the 'head of the commonwealth', which is a purely ceremonial position.
Its Newsweek, but I don't think I've ever seen trump taken out of context when going to a better source or the source ....
Oceans rise, empires faaaaaaaall...
What the fuck? I know it's Donald Dump, but despite all the insanity happening since his inauguration this is the first headline that manages to surprise even me. Dude's talking about annexing Canada and Greenland on one hand, but then bows to the former UK colonial project? What?
GG Trump, I honestly did not see this one coming.
I am wondering if he thinks this means unrestricted access to natural resources of eastern members lol
Same here, even amongst the craziness so far, this one surprised me.
Were you expecting reason or consistency?
Of course not - treason and inconsistency!
So does that mean July 4th will no longer be a holiday?
shouldn't ever have been.
we'll still have july 14th though, if anybody ever has the courage to celebrate it properly again.
Which event are you referring to? There's riots, strikes, and assassination attempts to choose from.
Dudes got fucking dementia
I really wish removing a president wasn't so difficult. We're all staring at the train wreck being told it's completely normal for a train to be running off the tracks.
MABA - Make America Britain Again
MAPOC - Make America part of Commonwealth
(if that could fit on their stupid red caps)
MARC - Make America Rejoin the Commonwealth
I don't think even the UK wants Trump.
He has some fans, but for the most part, no.
We thought the Cold War never ended, but it was actually the Revolutionary War all along
Britain rips off a Russian mask and gallops away laughing while sipping tea
This is just another stupid Friday distraction to keep people from talking about other crimes being committed
"If you don't make news for the weekend, then the news agencies will, and we haven't outlawed free press yet"
The Trump Party Platform
Hold on, let's ask George Washington and see what he says, oh right, fuck you traitor.
Benedict Arnold at least had an understandable (if stupid) reason to flip sides. Trump's just an idiot.
As non-functional as it is, we don't need to make it ten times worse. If this happens Elon and Trump will likely behave like they own the rights to every resource on the eastern members of CW.
Also trying to side with an openly fascist, sexist, racist president? King Edward III much?
Welcome to reverse 1776. We are living in the twilight zone.
Technically, I don't think that being in the Commonwealth as it exists in 2025 would actually change much. It's a pretty loose organization these days. More than a third of the world's population is in it.
Being in the Commonwealth realms, which are the Commonwealth members that have King Charles as head of state, would, I suspect, be unconstitutional.
EDIT: All that being said, I think that it's reasonably safe to put this in the "distraction" category of Trump statements, rather than the "serious proposal" category.
Man I think it's been 20 years since anyone gave a shit about the Commonwealth Games. I wonder if real young people are even aware they were once a thing...might even still be.
Benedict Orange.
Benedict Donald
an article from British tabloid The Sun reporting that King Charles III was making a "secret offer" to the White House, and that plans are in process for the U.S. to become an associate member of the international organization.
Ah yes, the classic cuck king making deals to give more power and alliances to a fascist. What can possibly go wrong? Let's ask Vittorio Emanuele III and Michael I of Romania.
This is why monarchy has to be destroyed, every single atom of it.
Charles is making zero deals giving power to anyone; any words out of his mouth on this are coming from the UK cabinet.
The Sun is News Corp garbage, why are we even taking it seriously?
because the murdok family hasn't been exterminated yet, their holdings shredded and scattered across the solar system.
You don't need to go too far, King Edward III is believed to write letters of good intent to hitler, urging him to keep bombing the UK a little more and that they would cave in.
This would make a great entry point for the protests against this. And the left should be a bit opportunist and use the "proud British" rhetoric that the right used for Brexit against US "taking over leadership of CW"
My general rule is that people that are super upset about the monarchy don't have very many real problems in life.
The great feature of the monarchy is that it's a lightning rod for idiots. People who are subservient can be subservient to someone non-political that doesn't have any power. And pretend revolutionaries that don't have any grasp of any real issues show themselves to be the non-serious people they are.
hey, let's not kink shame the man. the fact he fucks consenting adults at all is kind of a miracle.
everything-else shame him though. with a guillotine.
He's high, stupid, AND suffering from dementia.
Good lord, this is a strange timeline.
Does he sit on the floor of the oval office getting high and sending out memos? "Man, wouldn't it be cool if we were like, you know, part of this kingdom man..."
" "I Love King Charles. Sounds good to me!" Trump wrote in response to the report." He sounds like he's been invited on a date.
He's giving positive replies to whatever dumb shit his followers post to him on mastadon. And the media is still trying to milk him for all the clicks possible. Covfefe shit all over again.
There's real shit to be worried about. Like the extra-judicial deportations, ie Mahmoud Kahlil.
Sounds more like a Musk idea.
I can see his gigantic ego and narcissism telling him he needs to wear a crown and scepter.
Then surely the plebs will finally respect and validate him.
The USA can join the Commonwealth by becoming a Territory of Canada. Just give us a sec while we change the rules on representation in the house of Commons.
British Royals playing the longest game. Now I halfway excpect the Spanish inquisition next...
Not mine..
Awww fuck this.
Benjamin go get the musket!
Tally ho, lads!
Lmfao what?
Actually, you know what, that’s a great idea orangeboi. Let’s go for it.
To the Brits: considering this is basically us coming back to you hat in hand, I think it’d be quite reasonable to exact some sort of penance from us. Perhaps we could surrender our President to the King’s tender mercies? Hell, you can just take the whole Republican Party if you want to make some old-school object-examples of what the appropriate treatment of fascists is.
When I read it earlier I burst out laughing
Throw in a few crates of tea to replace the ones lost in that unfortunate boating accident and we'll consider it.
I will find a way to supply you with tea thoroughly for the rest of your natural life if you take that orange fuck off our hands
Shit I'd buy the tea myself to make that deal happen.
It's like a Family Guy sketch.
Hell, you can just take the whole Republican Party if you want to make some old-school object-examples
You know, the British do have a nasty history with Republicans...
So wait then we can join that weird low rent commonwealth games Olympics knock off? Fuck it why not let’s do it.
The president shared an article from British tabloid The Sun reporting that King Charles III was making a "secret offer" to the White House, and that plans are in process for the U.S. to become an associate member of the international organization.
The idea to join the Commonwealth was first floated during that 2017-2021 term.
This is for real. Now Brexit makes sense.
If Russian speaking parts of Ukraine should be ceded to Russia by Trump's opinion, English speaking parts of the USA may just as well join England again.
I understand the plan now. America was great when it didn't exist
Only if the Red Coats take back the USA as their former colony and press fucking RESET.
I have no fucking idea what to make of this
I'm beginning to think he's a bit enamoured with class, Sir Keir seemed to come out of his meeting with Trump relatively unscathed too. Almost like he sees posh people as his social superiors?
What is even happening
Am I the only one who things this is way more insane than 2016-2020? He did tell people to drink bleach but that is borderline stable.
It is more insane. The people controlling trump were ready for a win this time. They weren't in 2016, but they rectified that mistake by getting closer to him and stroking his ego while telling him what to do.
I mean it's logical.
We go from destroying Nazis to employing Nazis. And we did that after destroying ties to an overreaching monarchy, so let's get it all tied tight again, right? Full circle.
Next stop is giving back land to the natives?
Trump. The most logical of all. The most logical. Everyone is saying it. And frankly, I think they're right.
Is that how we'll annex Canada? Get the crown to hand it over as dowry for our reentry to the Old Dominion?
They already wasted the tea. There is no way to unwaste the tea.
I've seen this move. This is what I do in CK3 when my economy is about to crumble
I've seen it manny a times when I form THE EMPIRE with Britain in HoI4, it required the short lived dominion of North America to make all of the USA and Canada a British core. Conquer the US and hand it to Canada, perfection.
Wait a minute. If we do that, he can’t punish Canada. Then again he’s stupid. 🤷♀️
The French are already asking for the statue of liberty back, so it’s only right if he does that
The commonwealth is just another club for countries like the G7 these days. A lot of countries have been joining recently.
you know what? fuck you unrevolutionizes your america
Probably just an ingenious ploy to produce clean energy from the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves.
No taxation without representation, but in reverse.
No representation without taxation? Close but not quite
No representation but taxation? Yeah, that sounds better.
Also to note its kinda funny after all this time the us has been degrading in political choice (don't blame me I voted for Kodos) and voice (representation) while the common wealth nations have mostly been doing fine with more then two parties.
This is a 4d move. You guys join the commonwealth under charles then once in all of us in the commonwealth see how much winning you guys are doing under trump and vote yo replace charles with trump
Fucking genius play if you think about it
Yeah, trump can take Charles' job, do all his important work and take all the responsibility he has for our country. Yeah that would be much better for everyone, deal. Trump would actually be great at that job, non-ironically.
Fuck that I don't want his face on my money
They always belonged together.
Both horrible neoliberal callous policies.
The old imperialist empire and the one that took over from them trying to catch up in warcrimes and death count.
Nyone surprised? He is undoing the USA, so he might as well go back to roots!
Um... does he know what the Declaration of Independence is?
Who’s going to stop him?
This guy might actually be the dumbest man on earth.
We have come full circle.
Prob thinks that if he joins the commonwealth the can make himself a king or something
Dude thinks the world would be better off if the allies had lost WWII and now also if the US had lost the Revolutionary War.
Total loser who craves losses.
He can start by fetching out all that tea they dumped in the Boston harbour
He's just shitting in the punchbowl, ignore him and hell play himself out.
I don't think USians should fight this.
As pear shaped as the UK may be at the moment, it must be better off than all the nonsense in the US. Though there really is nothing in it for the Commonwealth, in any event.
On the bright side This is a better choice than bending the knee to Putin
He'll still bend the knee too, and will continue mumbling Putin's grundle.
Pfff do they even want us at this point 🤣