The Fascists drew upon British Kenya & South Africa to implement racial policies in Ethiopia
The Fascists drew upon British Kenya & South Africa to implement racial policies in Ethiopia
Quoting Haile Larebo in Italian Colonialism, page 86:
In the case of [Fascist] colonialism, the “prestige of the White race” would be maintained by educating the workers in an imperialist mentality and employing a vigorous policy of racial segregation. The points of reference were the examples of native reserves in South Africa and Kenya.
In part to compensate for the lesser use of native labor, settlement was conceived of in the most grandiose terms, with figures arriving at 6,250,000 settlers who would be settled on 50,000, one‐hectare plots. Although the unrealistic nature of these claims was apparent within a few years of the invasion, Party officials and journalists continued to perpetuate the illusion.
(Emphasis added.)