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The Plunderers - Christo The Plunderers - Christo (1990)

Music from Australia and New Zealand during the 1990's: The Plunderers' promo-video for the single 'Christo'. Nic Dalton's first band! ---------------------------------------- NZOZ NZOZ1990s 1990 Australai Early Nineties 1990's 1990s 90's 90 Extended Tags: Godstar, Hippy Dribble, Captain Denim, ...

The Plunderers - Christo (1990)

This band was fronted by Nic Dalton who was bassist in The Lemonheads for a while. He also founded the Sydney indie label, Half A Cow.

This song is about the "New Realist" artist who, along with his wife Jeanne-Claude, liked to wrap large things in fabric…such as the Reichstag, Pont Neuf, Central Park and the coastline at Little Bay in Sydney.

At a press conference in Australia years later, the cultural impact of Christo's work in 1960s Australia surfaced in an unexpected way when a journalist at a press conference told Christo about The Plunderers' song. He whipped out a tape deck and played part of the song to the polite but slightly nonplussed Bulgarian-American artist.

The linked video documents this exchange and also includes The Plunderers' music video.

Nic Dalton tells his side of the story here.

Yewtube link

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