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/c/ mod (Moss) is banning people they disagree with

I don't troll. At all. What I do is post various comments encouraging a community to not get angry as hell about a change but to make the best out of it. That's what happened when 196 decided to port over from to I made a bunch of fairly long comments that were talking about how people shouldn't be angry and just leaving toxic comments but fueling a better community, whether that be here or elsewhere. Comments went fairly well and all was fine and left up for a while but a couple of days after being posted they were removed along with everything else that I had posted to that community. The mods list the reason in the modlog for my permanent ban as "trolling". There are many things I do, but trolling isn't one of them. Especially when the comment sections are left in a state here showing that I wasn't trolling.

I went through everything that I did with that community and cannot find a singular thing with the exception of a memory.

I had posted a meme a couple of weeks ago. I don't remember exactly what it was but I remember a moderator saying on it an hour or two after posting that it should be marked as NSFW. I disagreed with this assessment. I left a comment in response saying that I disagreed that it should be marked and that I would refuse to mark it as NSFW. However, I also respect that it is their community and their rules so I settled for something different. I didn't add an NSFW tag, I just deleted it wholesale. I didn't want to add a tag to something that I didn't feel was applicable and instead of having to sit with that tag on the post, I just deleted the post entirely.

So this only leaves two options from the mods of 196.

Either they banned me for posting comments that were supportive of the community itself and not directly supportive of them or they banned me for deleting a post.

In either case? The moderators of ! are no better than reddit moderators who just lash out for their own ego. Blanket bans for disagreements.

And perhaps unsurprisingly and perfectly fitting of every single accusation that has been levied so far against them and their abusive practices, the last moderator to interact with me was

I find it fucking hysterical how the mods over there are so vehemently Anti-Trump (and should be given the userbase and content) but act no better than someone in his administration.

Edit: I found the post about it being NSFW after going through Moss' profile but unsurprisingly Moss had to go ahead and suppress my comment there as well. It's remarkable how much of their profile is just whining about being treated unfairly while they're going ahead and treating people unfairly. But of course, Moss (being a redditor) had to go ahead and downvote before the removal of the post. Fragile... jesus.

As for how I feel it should be remedied, Moss should step down or at least be removed as a mod on They've done nothing for the community that hasn't been insanely divisive as of late. They seem to be remarkably tonedeaf and just openly abusing their position.

Update went to the community and straight up asked why I was banned. For the record I didn't ask for this or anything and was completely blindsided when I got a notification in my inbox. But a mod over there did respond with this:

So I'm unbanned from the community because a mod could find no reason that made sense why I was banned.

Tell me how that doesn't unilaterally prove that Moss was indeed just banning people over petty ass reasons?

  • i am positively tickled at the shining example of all the users to just pick up and move due to shitty moderation, proving the process and idealism behind the fediverse. mods only have the power users as a community allow them to.

    • For real. We did the exact same thing at ! Shitty moderators of Risa compounded with outright personal harassment and abuse from the admins of forced my hand in making TenForward. It took a week for everyone to leave Risa and come over to us. I went back to look at earlier today and now it's effectively a fucking ghost town. Insanely low engagement. Christ, I made a happy birthday post to TenForward 14 hours ago that has 7 times as many upvotes as an Admin post on saying they have a new logo and new emojis that was posted 3 days ago.

      Fediverse is wonderful.

    • I really loved it too. Quite nice to see when members own a community nowadays

  • i straight up blocked moss. they need someone to sit down and talk to them IRL about how to be a human before i'm willing to interact with them online

    • I'm not a religious person by any means but I was always taught "The Golden Rule" as a kid. Honestly I use that a lot in my life. I don't like the biblical phrasing but treat people how you want to be treated. It's as simple as that. I don't know if Moss learned that. I'm not gonna hate on them more than I already have in calling them a redditor (one of the biggest insults I can think of) but I just don't understand it.

      • exactly. i don't think they're a bad person to the core, i think they just lack perspective and connection. they won't find that on an internet forum, only the illusion of it. if i try to explain it here i'm only really contributing to their continued entrenchment in this position.

        also. my favorite version of the golden rule is that you should conduct yourself like someone you'd want to be friends with.

        my second favorite is immanual kant's "I ought never to act except in such a way that I could also will that my maxim should become a universal law."

  • PTB for sure.

    • Honestly I feel like Moss is a bit of a cheat when it comes to that. It's like a game of house-rigged slots. 9 times out of 10 it's gonna be PTB.

  • She did this to me too because I was questioning their motives for moving and avoiding "censorship", though she only did a temp ban. I guess I got lucky, but good to know that the others there are more level headed. So I would definitely say this seems like power-tripping, PTB? That's how you say it right (I'm new to this community).

  •, this looks like a bad call on the face of it. Have anything to add?

    • I really am curious. Especially on that removed comment of the NSFW thing. The most I can think of me doing in that comment was saying that I disagree with the NSFW idea, think it's a bit dumb and that maybe people had a point with moving community. If that constitutes a permanent ban for trolling and a first infraction? Yike.

      And that's the worst case scenario I can think of what I said. Being a dick? Sure. But trolling? And a permanent ban with no response or anything? Even at the worst thing I can think of me doing their reaction is still insanely heavyhanded and petty lol

  • Just found out I was still subbed to the previous 196 community and unsubbed. I thought I had unsubbed back when the move happened but must've missed unsubbing at that time.

  • Ban Stamets?!? That's crazy.

    • Oh it happens. Not super often but it happens. Last time it did was the admins banning me from the instance entirely. Seriously. You can't see any of my posts if you're on that website. Why? Because I set up Tenforward and they were so threatened by the success of the community that they unilaterally banned me to try and suppress competition.

      Didn't work because their site is effectively dead and TenForward is thriving anyway.

  • Wait, you expected the modlog to show actual reasons? As it is it's basically a joke now that you can't even contest. It is a literal power trip, but at least does tell you when and where you have been banned from, so at least it has that compromise.