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  • I’m surprised I didn’t see it mentioned here (unless I missed it) but I use the “hide game” function liberally. Anything I’m not interested in, gave up on with no chance of trying again, completed with no desire to revisit, or won’t touch for any other reason just goes away, out of sight. It helps give a real sense of progression through your collection and you can pare it down to favorites you would likely revisit and things you have yet to play. And the hidden tab is easily viewable if you ever want to look at everything for any reason like rethinking putting a particular game in there.

    • My hide game is for a porn visual novel i tried out once cus i was bored and horny and turns out it lowkey has an super neat story so i stuck around for a few days exploring the nooks and crannies and going on dates w the ppl.l i found funny/cute then when i was done turns out i cant 'purge' a game from my account and sadly if anyone is using my laptop they could see i was playing a porn game and out here fucking dudes and a trans person...🫣

  • I tried, but dynamic filters were not good enough, so i gave up.

    Only have "Ready To Play", "All Played" and "Uncategorized" now.

  • I was playing this game too much, with complex system which never actually encouraged me to play any of the games I have categorized (and I had similar system as OP). Please dear fellow gamers - don't fall into same trap =)

    Now I have only 4:

    • WTP - want to play games, be them new or on repeat.
    • VR - same as WTP, but for VR.
    • Done - for games which are finished, but I have a feeling that I would like to recall them several years later.
    • Done-done - for games which I'm not going to ever play again. Either bad games, or which have fully fulfilled their purpose and there is nothing to do anymore.

    I use recent sorting, which help a lot to mitigate any kind of lock on what to play today. It's more like recommendation

    I am trying to free myself from finishing games 100% and avoid all side/boring activities, also now I'm free to pick whichever game I want, instead of planned (like work) consumption with previous system.

    It has really brighten my playtime, now it feels more like joy than before.

  • No I already have a full time job.

    I just have a finished one where I move them after I finish the story or I'm done with a game.

  • I have an "immediate backlog" of 5 games, about 30 in my "primary backlog," and about 60 in my "backlog." I promote or demote based on vibe and try to play 1 game at a time. I also have a tight curation of favorites and Steam Deck bangers.

  • I categorize them based on their franchise. But if they're not part of any franchise or they're the only game I have they'd just be uncategorized.

  • I currently have it sorted by year (I used some year date from Steam, but that isn't super accurate as I think it's the date it was added to Steam). I think I used Depressurizer?

    I used to have it sorted by the Steam score, IIRC.

  • Thank you for giving me inspiration of what to do with that feature!

  • I am somewhat bad about organizing on Steam. All I have for categories are pretty much games I got for free, paid for indie titles, paid for non-indie titles, and emulators. Would be better if I better organized them, but I wouldn't know where to start and would most likely procrastinate on it indefinitely because of the number of things I have in library.

  • I dont have this many lists. I keep mine as finished, currently playing, broken and then some dynamic lists based on category such as rougelike, horror etc

  • I'm late to the party, but I've categorized them by year. If I feel nostalgic, I just browse the top of the list.

  • Why would you sort the ones you're uninterested in?

    I sort mine by genre, plus a couple categories that overlap with others like "Space" or "No Killing" because sometimes I get in the mood for a particular quality. I don't have an active category, instead I uninstall games that I don't see myself playing in the near future and then use the "Ready to Play" button to see the active ones. Installing games encourages me to do something else, and the limit on how long it'll be helps, "Do chores for an hour while your game installs" is a lot easier for me than just "Do chores." Ideally, I try to limit my installed games to 10 so that I think more about what I actually want to play, I'm not always disciplined about it.