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No Mow May and How I Learned I'm Allergic to Grass

I've basically been letting the grass in my back yard grow all spring. Cut some paths through so my small dogs could easily navigate and small patch for my senior dog.

Then I saw the foxtails I thought I had killed were back. I started cutting the grass so I could get better access to the foxtails and my allergies went crazy. Instant runny nose, eyes burning, etc.

This has really dampened my enthusiasm. (/rant

  • If you suffer from it also while being around it, it might be time to get rid of it, sadly :( But if it is just when cutting it, wearing a ffp2 mask or similar makes a huge difference, or at leat it does for me (Also rolling around in it might not be a great idea XD). Other than that, just power throught the 2 weeks/ month the worst part lasts for I guess, at least the bees will keep you company :)