Olympic casual GigaChad
Olympic casual GigaChad
Olympic casual GigaChad
We should make some “cash-lympics” where some random people from every nation within the desired age are invited for free to just compete, with no training whatsoever. It would certainly be as fun/exciting as watching this dude
I think MXC essentially provides that experience.
Right you are, Ken.
Have it like The Price Is Right. Just call random people down from the crowd to do the hurdles.
Sounds like the perfect show for a sports channels during slow times.
This dude is a professional sport-shooter and have been for decades.
People would straight up die
He has kitty!
My experience from visiting Turkey is that they love cats. People even leave food and water out for the strays.
Well feed.cats hunt for fun. Hungry kitty hunts generally only enough to eat.
Aren't dogs a dirty animal in Islam? Since Turkey is 90+% Muslim that'd skew stats towards cats as pets.
I like him already.
He attacc He protecc
But most importantly, he passed the vibe checc
His name is Yusuf Dikeç, he was in the 10m air pistol men and mixed team events. The silver was in the mixed team event, won alongside teammate Şevval İlayda Tarhan. Despite what appears to be an exceptionally successful sport shooting career otherwise, he seems to have struggled in prior Olympic games ("struggled" relative to "qualified for the goddamn Olympics" of course) but apparently he was just on the ball this time
This is the type of character you see in an anime and you scoff as unrealistic. I stand corrected
Heh. You made me use ten percent of my power, pretty good.
Shameless YuYu Hakusho reference (I hope)
Isn’t aiming with both eyes open the way to do it? I learned to do that in the military to keep your situational awareness and never stopped. Also, it works really well with a holographic sight, like you’ve got the red dot / reticule floating on the target.
If you look at Olympic pistol shooting pics there’s a bunch with a hand in the pocket too.
Both eyes open is great for the real world. Olympic target shooting is a very different animal. Don't think of it like normal shooting. Situational awareness is not a factor. Unlike practical shooting, tunnel vision is desired. Most shooters wear blinders to obscure the off side eye. On the aiming eye they often wear special glasses. They are focusing on absolutely lining up the physical sights, there are no optics in Olympic pistol shooting.
For comparison, this is what a more conventional Olympic headgear setup looks like.
Yes the hand in pocket is pretty common in Olympic shooting. Unfortunate that it was part of the list as it undercuts the rest of the valid observations unusualness of the setup and success.
This shooter was much more casual than most. Most shooters will line up with special highly stable, but strange looking stances.
Araki furiously taking notes for new JoJo poses
Your eye is still open under that flap though, no? I dabbled in Olympic pistol shooting back when I was doing across-the-course service rifle, and I was told to always keep both eyes open by the dude teaching me. Same for service rifle (and later palma). I always found that closing one of your eyes fucks up your focusing. If you don't have the little flappy dealy, you just do your best to defocus/deprioritize the view out of your non-dominant eye. I actually went for quite a while without any sort of cover because it helped me avoid cross firing (which is probably more of an issue with across-the-course than with Olympic pistol).
You're absolutely right about the lack of spectacles though. This guy is one hell of a marksman.
Depends on whether the targets are shooting back.
Why would a target marksmen need during awareness?
Paris can be dangerous at night
He looks like he commented to someone doing this sport professionally that it look easy and now, with a bit of disdain and irritation, he had to show them what he meant by that
Both eyes open can be better for your aim if you can resolve both images of the sights and place the target exactly between the images. Takes practice but seems to have a higher skill ceiling
So he's just silently telling everyone "skill issue"? 😄
That's why these exist.
Darn it. Can you not hotlink images in Lemmy?
Next time you can just upload the image and it will embed it in your comment.
FWIW your link worked just fine. Also disallowing hotlinking is the decision of the web server hosting the image, not Lemmy.
His hand is in his pocket to stabilize the swing from his massive dong 🍆
Opps, my huge gun was off target due to my magnum dong.
He has to synchronize his breathing with that swinging pendulum before he can time his shot.
And that's the last time I call John Oliver a British toucan...
How close did he get to making the Lion King worth watching as Zazu?
The US Army used to teach shooting similarly to that, minus the hand in the pocket of course.
Both eyes make a huge difference if you want to switch between moving targets, so it makes sense in a military setting
They removed the soldier's hand!? That's serious dedication!
Once you sign the papers they can do whatever they want to you.
If you have your hand in your pocket you go to the 'target' side of the range.
'Parry this you fucking casuals'
I heard the US lost. They should have sent cops. Then just paint a black man as the target 🎯. 19 shots hit, and only needed one for gold.
19 hits but 200 bullets fired.
They can’t, there are acorns in France
The best shooters in the US don't typically make it out of high school.
Well, they make it IN high school
Quality vs quantity.
Unless they arrive a little late and, upon hearing the sound of gunfire coming from within the stadium, barricade themselves outside and wait for the shooters to run out of bullets or targets.
Edit: a word
They only do that if it's kids.
Just got to drag US politics into it, don't you?
Even without a gun, that is an expression that says, "you will really regret it if you ever try to fuck with me."
But he'll never hear you coming.
I'm not saying it's good practice, but you can fire .22 LR without getting ringing in your ears. I'd never do it all day, but I've definitely done it a couple times just to get an idea how loud it is. The dude can probably hear fine. I'm not saying it won't catch up to him though.
Edit I hear he shoots air pistol? I don't know if that's correct, but it's definitely even quieter.
I know a professional assassin when I see one
Should have sent this one for Trump
Don't worry, with sniper rifle he can hit all the way from Paris
And the other one is flicking a cigarette.
You you you oughta know
And the other one is giving a peace sign.
"Have you seen this boy" insurance salesman edition
Being ruled by Turks for 400 years kinda makes sense now
Plot twist: he is blind on one eye
And deaf on both ears
and has an artificial arm
if yer not first yer last 🤪
First loser...
Peak sport right there!
So with the addition of some better equipment, like an eye shield, maybe he could have taken home the gold? Is there a GoFundMe?
I'm sure he had access to equipment.
On the one hand, I was just making a joke. You're probably right.
On the other hand, there are Olympians working part time jobs to pay for their training and equipment. Not every country sponsors their athletes, and this shit ain't cheap. Few things highlight global economic disparity like the Olympics.
No hearing protection either...
Small caliber air guns, so no dangerous decibels, but most shooters do wear ear protection to block out distractions.
I saw another picture of him in that event from the side and he was wearing ear plugs.
He had earplugs.
Even Texans fear him
I can't be that stable with my arm held out in any circumstances but this seems like an incredibly fun sport.
10m air pistol. Accuracy is what counts. It ain't your American shootin that's for sure
Not that impressed, but still quite cool.
If somebody did the same in competitive rifle shooting I'd be astonished...and no, I don't mean you need to keep one hand in the pocket.
wins silver at Olymics with a gear disadvantage "not that impressive" 🤡